Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strategic Inconsistencies and America's Democratic Process Essay

Strategic Inconsistencies and America's Democratic Process - Essay Example The executive branch and the military expanding the war into Cambodia with neither the knowledge nor the support of Congress was a clear violation of the democratic process.i Earlier, and in a similar fashion, the entire program to develop the atomic bomb and the decision to use them on two Japanese cities in August 1945 was undertaken in strict secrecy. The secrecy of the program was essential to national security and the decision to use it certainly shortened the war and probably saved the lives of thousands of US combat troops. However, undertaking the development and use of atomic weapons in strict secrecy can hardly be seen as a model of democracy in action. The removal of the Japanese from the Pacific coast during World War Two and their concentration in internment camps was a clear violation of both their human and civil rights. It may well have been necessary, although that is certainly debatable, but, again, it is hardly a model of democracy in action.ii During wartime the United States has clearly abandoned democratic principles in favor of military strategy and efficacy. That said, it would be fair to say that virtually every democracy has made the decision when confronted with the question of military strategy versus democratic ideals in the time of war. Since at least the Civil War there has been a hangover from wartime strategy that has infected the democratic process in the aftermath of war. During Reconstruction, Federal troops were placed on the streets in southern cities to enforce law and order. This egregious violation of the Constitution, once recognized, was deemed so offensive that it led to posse comitatus legislation in 1878. The law states, â€Å"Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Male vs Female Crime Rates Essay Example for Free

Male vs Female Crime Rates Essay Statistics indicate that men are more likely to commit crime than women. For example, in 2002 80% of known offenders (481,000+) were men. As there are a number of problems with the reliability and validity of statistics, an alternative to information are self-report studies. These are anonymous and some believe because they all but guarantee anonymity they encourage respondents to be more truthful than if they were involved in an interview. In the past, sociologists tended to pay attention to only males committing crimes and ignored gender differences. This began to change in the 1970’s when feminists such as Carol Smart looked into woman and crime and began to ask questions such as: †¢ Why do woman commit fewer crimes than men? †¢ Why are woman more likely to commit to social norms compared to men? †¢ Is there anything distinctive about a womans experience as an offenders and as victims of crime? †¢ Are woman treated differently than men in the justice system? There is now an agreement within sociology that when studying crime and deviance we must take into account gender. This means we must also ask questions about men. What is the relationship between crime and masculinity? Sex role theory: this theory argues that boys and girls are socialized differently, therefore resulting in boys becoming more delinquent. There are different versions of this theory. Edwin Sutherland (1949) stated that there are clear gender differences when it comes to socialization. Firstly, girls are more supervised and more strictly controlled. Secondly, boys are encouraged to take risks and to be tough and aggressive. Therefore, boys have more of an opportunity and an inclination to commit crime. Talcott Parsons (1995) believes that there are clear and obvious gender roles within the nuclear family. The father performs roles which show him to be more of the leader and provider, whilst the mother performs the expressive role of giving emotional support and socializing children. These roles are rooted from the birth of their children as mothers have to give birth and nurse children. Girls have a readily available female role model at home (their mother) whereas boys have less access to their male role model as traditionally the father was out at work for most of the time. Boys will be socialized largely by their mother and will tend to reject behavior that is seen as feminine as they compulsively pursue masculinity. Because of the emphasis on toughness and aggression this encourages anti-social behavior and delinquency. Albert Cohen (1955) believed that if boys don’t have that readily available role model, socialization can be a difficult process. Boys can experience anxiety about their identity as a young man and a solution for this is all male peer groups or street gangs. In these social contexts, aspects of masculinity can be expressed and rewarded. The idea of being tough and breaking rules can help to conform to the idea of masculinity. The feminist perspectives on who is involved in crime starts from the view that society is patriarchal and woman can only be understood under male dominance. Pat Carlen (1990) stated that a womans crimes can be known as ‘the crimes of the powerless’ as many woman who commit crimes are powerless in some way. For example, they live in poverty with little power to change the situation; as children they may have been badly treated and looked after, perhaps being abused by fathers. As adults they have often lived under the dominance of male partners who asserted control perhaps in the form of violence. After interviews with 39 woman aged 15 to 46 convicted of various offences, Carlen drew on the control theory – saying that woman turn to crime when the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. It appeared that the interviewed women turned to crime as a rational choice. Low paid work and unemployment had not led to the standard of living they hoped for, and living an unhappy life as children and as adults was very unfulfilling. Unrewarded by family and the workplace and with little power to change the situation, crime was a rational alternative. However, critics of Carlen claim that her sample of woman was too small to make generalized statements. Her research also suggests that conformity to social norms tends to break down when the rewards for doing so are absent. Conformity and control: According to Frances Heidensohn the striking thing about womans behaviour is their conformity to social norms. Taking in mind the control theory, women have more to lose than men if they deviate from social norms. And looking from a feminist view, she argues that in a male-dominated society the control of woman by men discourages deviance from norms. In the home and family, women still have the primary responsibility for raising children and taking on the domestic work. Their commitment to this also means they are committing to the conformity of the traditional mother-housewife role and socializing their children in terms of society’s norms and values. Women have been socialized to conform. Girls are more strictly supervised and given less freedom, they are expected to perform household duties. These expectations and control have been carried on into adult life. As adults, women are not only controlled by their childhood socialization but also by their male partners. Woman who challenge these traditional roles are often brought into line by men’s financial and physical power. According to Heidensohn, wife battering is an assertion of patriarchal authority. Womens socialization, domestic responsibilities plus the control imposed on them by men discourage the deviance from social norms. Their lives are centered on the home so they have less freedom to go out. As a result they have less inclination, less time and fewer opportunities to commit crime. Beyond the home a womans freedom to deviate from social norms is also limited in a number of ways; for example, some women do not want to go out after dark as they are in fear of getting attacked or raped by men. A young woman’s fear of being attacked by a stranger is five times greater than a young male’s. They are also less likely to deviate from norms of respectability for fear of being labeled promiscuous. In a working environment men are more likely than women to be in control, in positions such as supervisory or managerial roles, and surveys indicate that sexual harassment is common in the workplace and it is a further indication of male power and control which is often experienced as intimidating by women. Both inside and outside the home, there is pressure for woman to conform- and this is reinforced by male power. Crime and masculinities: Research into gender over the last 25 years has mainly been concerned with woman and crime as it was seen as a new topic after decades of research into men and crime. Feminists would focus on woman and men would enter the equation in terms of the control men had over woman. Researchers now recognize that there is another side to gender and crime and start to ask questions such as: Why are men more likely to commit crime than woman? And is there a relationship between male crime and masculinity? Gender identity is a vital part of the individual’s sense of self it is something that people accomplish. People are continuously trying to express and present their masculinity or femininity. And in relation to crime, you can say men commit crime as a means of constructing this masculinity to express to others and themselves. There are a number of different masculinities which are shaped by social class, ethnicity, age and sexual orientation. Men’s position in society provides them with different access to power and resources which leads to different constructions and expressions of masculinity – and this leads to different types of crime. The most dominant form of masculinity is known as hegemonic masculinity. It’s the most ideal form, which is defined through work in paid labour, the subordination of women, heterosexism and the uncontrollable sexuality of men. Most men wish to accomplish this. The alternative is subordinated masculinities. They include masculinities which develop in some ethnic minority and lower class groups and homosexual masculinity. Young middle-class white males are usually able to demonstrate some of the characteristics of hegemonic masculinity through success at school or college. But this comes at a price – subordination to teachers. Some assert their masculinity outside of school through vandalism, petty theft and heavy drinking. White working- class males are less likely to be successful in education. They sometimes resist school and construct their masculinity around physical aggression, anti-social behaviour, delinquency and some cases violence towards gays and members of ethnic minority groups. Lower working class men from ethnic minority groups with little expectation of educational success or secure employment sometimes assert their masculinity in street gangs. With little chance of accomplishing hegemonic masculinity by legitimate means, they are more likely to turn to robbery and serious property crime. Even middle class males who have the resources to accomplish hegemonic masculinity use crime to express masculinity. James Messerschmidt argues that white collar and corporate crime are not simply a means for profiting the individual or the organization. There are also a means of accomplishing hegemonic masculinity as a successful breadwinner and as an aggressive risk-taking male Working class crime in the workplace can also be seen as a means of accomplishing masculinity. Workers sometimes resist the authority of management by theft and industrial sabotage. Messerschmidt uses the example of African-Americans to illustrate a subordinated masculinity. Lower class African-Americans males often lack the resources to accomplish hegemonic masculinity. The pimp and hustler are long-established roles in African-American subculture and are often seen as an alternative to subordinated masculinity. The pimp looks after a number of prostitutes and lives of their earnings. With their expensive car, diamond rings and power over women, Messerschmidt argues that the pimp demonstrates a highly visible alternative masculinity to himself and others.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Encoder Viterbi Matlab

Encoder Viterbi Matlab Implementation of Convolutional Encoder and Viterbi Decoder Using Matlab and FPGA Abstract Channel coding is widely used in digital communication. By using channel encoding methods we can minimize signal noise and signal interference in our system. These techniques also utilize less bandwidth for error free transmission. In our project we have implemented convolutional encoder and viterbi decoder for channel coding. Convolutional encoding is vastly used for error correction in digital communication. We have implemented these techniques on matlab and performed a lot of simulation to check their performance. Chapter 1 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM INTRODUCTION Early communication was based on implicit assumption that messages signal is continuous varying time signal waveform. Such continuous time signals are referred as analog signals and there corresponding information sources are called analog sources. Analog signals are transmitted using carrier modulation over communication channel and accordingly demodulated at receiver. Such communication system is called analog communication systems. In digital transmission analog source output is converted to digital form. Message can be transmitted using digital modulation and at receiver demodulated as digital signal. The basic feature of digital communication system is that during finite interval of time it sends a waveform from possible number of waveforms. Important measure of system performance in digital communication systems is probability of error. 1.2 WHY DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Digital communication is preferred over analog communication because digital circuits have a less probability of distortion and interference than analog. Digital circuits are reliable than analog and have low cost. Digital hardware is more flexible to implement than analog. In digital signals time division multiplexing is simpler then FDM in analog signals. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION In digital communication system functional operations performed at both transmitter and receiver should be expanded to add messages signal bias at transmitter and message signal synthesis or interpolating at receiver. Additional functions include redundancy removal and channel encoding and decoding. 1.3.1 Source Nature Information is knowledge. Information can be of two types either analog or digital. We can collect information through listening or watching. Receiver newer know what it will receive in advance but only when some source generates an output towards it. The main responsibility on any communication channel is to send error less information towards receiver. 1.3.3 Source Encoder/Decoder What is source encoder? It is a technique which changes an analog signal into sequence of bits. This sequence of bits that is produced can also be used for the reconstruction of the signal. These bits contain information about the original signal. If we use this encoding technique it can also be helpful in appropriate bandwidth utilization. The sequence of bits is such that it can be used for data compression. 1.3.4 Quantization It is a process in which we sample the amplitude of a analog signal. Irreversible mechanism in which we erradicate redundant bits is called QUANTIZERS. The disadvantage of quantization is that it introduces noise in the sampled signal. Whereas while sampling distortion donot occur. But inspite of all that, quantizers and quantization is still widely used in determining the bit rate. And in any coding procedure of speech, amplitude quantization is the most important step. X8 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 Figure 1.2: 8-level quantization 1.3.5 Modulation and Demodulation What is modulation and demodulation? Modulation is a process in which a baseband signal is mixed with a carier and converted into bandpass signal. And demodulation is a process in which original signal is recovered from modulated signal. And modulator and demodulators perform the above information. The modulator changes the signal into the form representing the required information. And reverse operation is performed by demodulator. The purpose of these devices is to produce and convey messages with minimum bit error rate. NOISE IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Noise refers to something which is always present in the entire communication world. Noise is something that can be created or produced from variety of possessions. If noise is present in any system it makes the system ambiguous and less efficient. It also makes our receiver capability less efficient. And therefore also confines the transmission rate. Noise can be minimized by efficient designing technique which is not desired through different methods such as filtering. Noise which is caused by the thermal motion of electrons in all dissipative resistors is called thermal noise. These electrons are also responsible for thermal noise as a zero mean Gaussian random process. CHAPTER 2 CHANNEL CODING 2.1 INTRODUCTION Channel coding is used in communication system to improve the signal reliability in communication systems. By performing channel coding we can protect our signal from different types of noises and distortion. These methods of signal processing are tools for accomplishing desirable system tradeoffs. By using large scale integrated circuit and high speed digital processing methods it had made possible to provide as much as 10db performance improvement at much less cost. Shannon showed that by the addition of redundant bits to source information we introduce a method to minimize error in channel without disturbing information transmission rate provided that the information rate is less than channel capacity. Average number of information bits per unit time can be reduced by using function of the speech code. Minimum number of information bits should be transmitted. The input to encoder is the output of speech code. Radio link performance is improved by using Channel coding in mobile communication by the addition of redundant bits to source information. At the transmitter channel code maps the digital information which is produced by a data source into a form that can be decoded by the receiver with minimum errors. Channel coding mechanism insert noise to the codes in a controlled manner by adding extra bits so that the receiver can do detection and correction in a noisy channel. Channel codes which are produced are classified as block codes and convolution codes The hamming distance (minimum), dmin of a code is used as criteria for determining error correction ability. The minimum hamming distance is defined as smallest value of d. if minimum hamming distance is dmin ,(dmin -1)bit errors can be detected and we correct the integer [(dmin-1)/2] bit errors .raw data transmission rate can be reduced additional coded bits. Using Error-Correction Codes These codes are very useful to use.Without implementing these codes in our communication system our data delievered will be very noisy and corrupted.Below is the graph which showz comparison between uncoded and coded data error performance. Chapter 3 CONVLUTIONAL CODING INTRODUCTION TO CONVOLUTIONAL ENCODING The idea is to make all code word symbols to be the weighted sum of the input message symbols. And that is similar to the convolution used in linear time invariant systems where the output of system is found, if you know about the input and impulse response. So in convolutional encoder we usually get the output of the system, by convolving the input bits. Basically, convolutional codes do not reduce much noise as compared to an equivalent block code. In most of the cases, they generally offer more simple implementation upon block code of same power. The encoder is a simple circuit which contains the memory states and feedback logic, normally supported by XOR gates. The decoder is usually implemented in software. The Viterbi algorithm is the most favourable algorithm which is used to decode convolutional codes. It is found that they generally give good results in environment of lower noise. OVERVIEW OF CONVOLUTIONAL CODES Convolution codes represent one method within the general class of codes. Channel codes which are also called error-correction codes allow reliable communication of an information sequence over that channel which adds noise, bring in bit errors, or otherwise deform the transmitted signal. These codes have many applications which include deep-space communication and voice band modems. Convolutional codes are commonly prà ©cised by the following three parameters; (n, k, m). n = output bits k = input bits m= memory registers L=constraint length The quantity k/n which is called code rate is a measure of the capability of the codes. Usually range of n and k is from 1 to 8 and range of m is from 2 to 10 and the code rate from 1/8 to 7/8 except for deep space application where the code rates as low as 1/100 or even longer has been engaged. Often the manufactures of the Convolutional code chips specify the codes by the following parameters n, k, L. The quantity L is the constraint length of the code and is defined by Constraint length, L = k*(m-1). The constraint length L stand for the bits in the encoder memory that effects the production of n output bits. The constraint length L is also indicated by the letter K. 3.2.1 CONVOLUTIONAL ENCODING ENCODER STRUCTURE Convolutional codes protect by adding unwanted bits as any binary code. A rate k/n Convolutional encoder develops the input series of k-bit information symbols through one or more binary shift registers. The convolutional encoder calculates every n-bits representation (n > k) of the output series from linear process on the present input symbol and the contents of the shift register(s). Therefore, a k-bit input symbol is processed by a rate k/n convolutional encoder and computes an n-bit out put symbol with every shift update. Figure shows a non recursive convolutional encoder having rate of 1/2. For the encoder above, shows state variations and resulting output code words. Sequence U for the message sequence m=1 1 0 1 1 Solution Table 3.1 Branch word at time ti u1 u2 State at Time ti+1 State at Time ti Register Contents Input Bit mi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 U = 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 POLYNOMIAL REPRESENTATION Sometimes, the encoder characters are characterized by initiator polynomial. Representation of an encoder can be done with a set of n initiator polynomial, one for each of the n modulo-2 adders. Each polynomial is of degree K-1 or less and tell about the connection of encoding shift register to that modulo-2 adder as the connection vector normally do. The coefficient of all the terms is either 1 or 0 of the degree polynomial depending upon whether connection exists or doesnt. For example in figure 4.1, we can write the generator polynomial g1(X) for the upper connections and g2(X) for the lower connections as follow. g1(X) = 1+X+X2 g2(X) = 1+ X2 The output sequence is found as follow U(X) = m(X) g1(X) interlaced with m(X) g2(X) Let the message vector m = 101 as a polynomial is represented as m(X) = 1+ X2 Then output polynomial U(X), of the figure 4.1 encoder can be calculated for the input message m is given as under. m(X) g1(X) = (1+ X2 )( 1+X+X2) = 1+X+X3+X4 m(X) g2(X) = (1+ X2 ) (1+ X2 ) = 1+ X4 m(X) g1(X) = 1+X+0X2+X3+X4 m(X) g2(X) = 1+0X+0X2+0X3+ X4 U(X) = (1, 1) + (1, 0) X + (0, 0) X2 + (1, 0) X3 + (1, 1) X4 U = 11 10 00 10 11 We demonstrated the encoder with polynomial initiators as also described for cyclic codes. Graphically there are three ways in which we can look at the encoder to gain better understanding of its operations. These are (a) State diagram (b) Tree diagram (c) Trellis diagram 3.2.2 STATE DIAGRAM Convolution encoders are finite-state technology. Hence state diagram offers significant insight into their performance. The states showed in the diagram symbolize the probable contents of right most K-1 stages of register, and paths represent the output symbols coming from such state changes. The states of registers are nominated as a=00, b=10, c=01 and d=11. There are only two conversions originating from every state, corresponding to two probable input bits. Output branch word is written next to every path state that is linked with the state transition. In below figure, we have used the complete line which denotes a path linked with input bit, 0 and a doted line is to a path with an input bit, 1. Observe that it is impossible in a single transition state to move forward from a given state to any random state. 3.2.3 THE TREE DIAGRAM One cannot easily use the state diagram for tracing back the encoder transitions as a function of time because it has only one disadvantage i.e. it cannot maintain the history record while the state diagram fully characterize encoder. State diagram is the advance form of tree diagram; it adds the dimensions of time than tree diagram. As the custom these trees also traverse from left to right at each bit inputs and each branch of the tree is describing the output branch. Following rule can be used to find the sequence of codeword; for an input bit of zero, its related branch word can be obtained by advancing to subsequent rightmost branch in the up direction. For an input bit of 1, its branch word can be obtained in the down direction. If we assume that the major contents of encoder are zeros, the diagram shows if initial input bit to the encoder is set to zero, the output will be 00 and if the initial input bit is a one, the output will be 11. Also if the initial bit input is one and next input is zero, the next output bit is one; the next output branch word is 01.By following these steps we observe that input bit stream 11011 traces bold line on the tree. This path matches to the output codeword sequence 1101010001. CHAPTER 4 VITERBI DECODER 4.1 VITERBI DECODING ALGORITHM This algorithm was revealed by Viterbi in 1967. The Viterbi algorithm performs maximum likelihood decoding. By taking benefit of the structure in the code trellis it also reduces the computational load. The benefit of Viterbi decoding is that its difficulty is not a function of the information of symbols in the code word sequence. The algorithm includes calculating a distance, or measure of resemblance b/w the received signal, and every the trellis paths entering each state at the same time. Those trellis paths that could not possibly by candidates for the maximum likelihood choice, viterbi algorithm removes them from consideration when two paths are entering the same state then the one having the best metric is selected and that path is called the surviving path. This choice of surviving path is carry out for every state. The complexity of the decoder is reduced by the remove paths with maximum unlikeliness. The decoder continues in this way to go forward into the trellis and making decision by eradicating the slightest likely paths. In fact in 1969, Omura also demonstrated that the Viterbi algorithm is maximum likelihood. The objective of selecting the optimum path can be articulated by selecting codeword which as minimum distance metric. 4.2 EXAMPLE OF VITERBI CONVOLUTIONAL DECODING Binary Symmetric Channel is assumed for simplicity thus hamming distance is a suitable measured distance .A similar trellis which we are using in encoder can also be used in decoder, as shown in figure 4.5. We set up at time t1 in 00 state referring to trellis diagram. Flushing in encoder is very important because it tells the decoder about the starting state because in this example there are only two likely transitions departing any state and not all the branches need to shown firstly. The full trellis structure starts after time t3. Central idea following the decoding procedure can be demonstrated by seeing the figure 4.1 encoder trellis in contrast with the figure 4.2 decoder trellis. It is suitable at each time interval, for the decoder to label every branch with hamming distance b/w the received input code symbols and the current transition word matching to the same transition at encoder end. The example in figure 4.2 shows the equivalent codeword sequence U, a message sequence m, and a noise distorted received sequence Z = 11 01 01 10 01 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. . Code symbols that will come from the encoder output which are results of state transitions are the encoder branch words As the code symbols are received they are accumulated by the decoder and are labeled on trellis branch. That is for each and every branch of the decoder trellis it will be marked with a matrix of likeliness i.e. Hamming distance. From the received sequence Z, we observe that code symbols received as the convolutional output at time t1 are 11, shown in figure 4.2. With the aim of labeling the decoder branches at time t1 with the least Hamming distance metric, we glance at the encoder state diagram figure encoder trellis. At this point we observe that a state 00-00 transition gives an output branch word of 00, but we are receiving 11. Consequently, on the decoder trellis we label 00—00 transition with hamming distance of 0. Observing encoder trellis, a state 00—10 transition yields an hamming distance of 1 with the output of 11. Hence, on the decoder trellis, we also label the state 00—01 transition with a Hamming distance of 0. So, the metric entered on the decoder trellis branch tells compares the corrupted and correct distances received associated with the branch transmitted with the branch word. To all intents and purposes, these metrics describes a correlation. The decoding algorithm finds the minimum distance path in order to correctly decode the data. The foundation of Viterbi decoding is that between any two paths which are ending up to the same state, path with minimum hamming distance will always be selected and other one will be discarded. Its example can be seen in figure 4.3 below. 4.3 Decoder Implementation In the decoding context the transitions during any of the time interval can be combined into 2^v-1 disjoint cells, where each cell is dissipating four of the possible transitions, where v is called the encoder memory. 4.3.1 Add-Compare-Select Computation Starting with the K=3, 2—cell example, figure 4.4 below shows the logic unit that corresponds to cell 1. The logic executes the special purpose calculation called add-compare-select (ACS). The state metric is calculated by adding the previous-time state metric of state a, to the branch metric and the previous-time state metric of state c, to the branch metric, this fallout in two possible path metrics as candidates for the new state metric. These two results are compared in the logic units of figure 4.4. The biggest likelihood (smallest distance) of the two path metrics is saved as the new state metric for the state a. Also shown in the figure 4.4 is the cell-1 add compare select logic that tells the new state metric and the new path history. This ACS process is also performed for the paths in other cells. The oldest bit on the path with the smallest state metric forms the decoder output. 4.3.2 Add-compare-select as seen Trellis Consider the same example for describing viterbi decoding. The codeword sequence was U = 1101010001, the message sequence was m = 11011 and received was Z = 1101011001. Figure 4.5 give a picture of a decoding trellis diagram. Most important point in the decoding through trellis tree is its hamming distance. This is the distance between received code symbols and their equivalent branch words. Trellis tells the value at every state x and for each time to time t1 to t6. We do ACS operation when we have two transitions ending up to the same state. And we get these types of situations after t4 transition and after that. For instance at time t4 the value for the state metric is obtained by incrementing sate t3. Similar operation is done for the state t2. The ACS process chose the minimum hamming distance path which also has maximum likelihood. The paths with minimum hamming distances are shown with bold lines and the paths with minimum likelihood are shown with faded lines. Trellis trees a re always observed from left to right. At any time when we want to check our decoder output we initiate with those states which has smallest paths. If we look at the figure below we can see that at time t6 path with minimum hamming distance has survived with distance =1. CHAPTER 5 SIMULATION METHODOLOGY 5.1 MATLAB SIMULATION 5.1.1 CONVOLUTONAL ENCODER VERTERBI DECODER We have implemented Convolutional encoder and viterbi decoder as source code. Matlab code also compares our viterbi decoder output with the built in decoder output by comparing bit error rates in our project. Making Matlab code and generating different code words for different symbols using convolutional codes and then decoding them with errors using viterbi decoder was the first step in our project. We have taken input from the user which will be coded by the convolutional encoder. Here we have generated random bits. Then the coded data will be decoded at the viterbi decoder. At the decoder side we have corrupted different bits by simply inverting them manually. Just to check what will be the bit error rate if different bits will be corrupted. Then we have compared our built in decoder function with our decoder code efficiency. In the receiver side we have used viterbi decoding algorithm to decode the transmitted signal. After these two steps (encoding and decoding) original data is obtained, which have errors if low SNR is used. 5.2 VHDL SIMULATION Our second step regarding to this project was to make synthesizable code of encoder and decoder in vhdl. For this we have used modelsim. Here we have implemented same logic as we used in matlab. 5.3 FPGA In the end we have burned our code in field programmable gate array. We made a synthesizable code in vhdl of our matlab logic and implemented on fpga. MATLAB RESULTS Here is the result of our matlab codes. If one bit is corrupted data_str = 111011010101000001111101101010101000101100111011010001000100011001111111110101100010101111100101010011101011101001000110 conv_code_str = 100110010001000010001000111100000011001010100100000100100010011000101100101000010111100110010001000010110011111100111011011101011111001010101010111001001000000111001110011000011010110111111000110010111101110100100001110100101111111100110101 msg_rec = 11101101010100000111110110 101010100010110011101 10100010 0010001 10 011 1111111010110001010111110 0101010 01110101110 1001000110 Message/ber retrieved with Verterbi_link_cont1 ber = 0 Message/ber retrieved with Vitdec ber =0 If two bits are corrupted data_str = 100010111000000011101000101100010010100110101101110110110010001100010010010011111001100001101000001001111000101011011101 conv_code_str = 100011001110011110011100011000001101111100101100100000010111010110111110010011110101010000010100000001000101011101111110101011010111010110111110100110111101110010011111001111000011001100101100011011101111000010011100100000100001001001100100 msg_rec = 10001011100000001110100010110001001010011010110 1110110110 0 10 001100010 010010011111001100001101000 001 0011110001 010110 11 1 0 1 Message/ber retrieved with Verterbi_link_cont1 ber = 0 Message/ber retrieved with Vitdec ber = 0.2667 if 3 bits are corrupted data_str = 101100011101110010110100100110010010001010111010011011111000000000110110000110101111100000100010100011001001111110001100 conv_code_str = 100110010111010011100100000111111110011011001011100101110101100000111110101101100010011000010010100011010001110100011100011110000000101011000101101110110101010110011010111001000000100101001110010101001101000001101111000100101001101101010111 msg_rec = 1110011111 01110 0 1 0 11010010011011 0 01010101011101 000 111 011 10 00100000110110100110111010100000100010 11011001110 0111110101100 Message/ber retrieved with Verterbi_link_cont1 ber = 0.1750 Message/ber retrieved with Vitdec ber = 0.2000 As the errors in bits increases bit error rate also increases. Appendix A Matlab Code %*********************************************************************************** %** CONVOLUTIONAL ENCODING TRELLIS DIAGRAM IMPLEMENTATION %************************************************************************************ function [code]= Conv_Enc(message1) % K=3 Length of Shift Register % # of states = 2^(K-1) = 4 % State can be considered as first two or last two bits of the shift register % 1/n Convolutional Encoder, Rate = 1/2 % n= length of generated codeword for i=1:length(message1) message(i)= num2str(message1(i)); end state=00; next_state=00; code1=[]; message=[message 00]; message=[message]; for t=1:length(message) inp= message(t); state=next_state; if(state==00) if(inp==0) next_state=00; outp=00; else next_state=10; outp= 11; end elseif(state==10) if(inp==0) next_state=01; outp=10; else next_state=11; outp= 01; end elseif(state==01) if(inp==0) next_state=00; outp=11; else next_state=10; outp= 00; end elseif(state==11) if(inp==0) next_state=01; outp=01; else next_state=11; outp= 10; end end code1= [code1 outp]; end for i=1:length(code1) code(i)= str2num(code1(i)); end % code=code1; %*********************************************************************************** %***************** DECODER IMPLEMENTATION*********************** %************************************************************************************ function [messa

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mexican/Latin American “War” on Drugs and Trafficking Essay -- Drugs,

The international drug trade from Latin American states is having an impact on a global scale. The trafficking of drugs along with corruptness and murder is an international conflict that is being fought daily. There are many aspects of the drug war from Mexico and other Latin American states which have effects on United States policy as well as policies from other countries that participate in the global suppression of illegal drugs. It can be hard to differentiate between conflict and issue in regards to Latin America’s drug war and International Relations. The Mexican drug war is a global issue because it interferes with the states ability to collaborate and form policy in order to address the issues between international borders. Conflict arises because certain states want to resolve the situation and are willing to do what is necessary to do so. While drug-related violence in Mexico receives considerable attention, the Northern Triangle of Latin America is far worse. Venezuela has emerged as a major departure point for cocaine trafficked to Europe. Between 2006 and 2008 over half of all detected maritime shipments of cocaine to Europe came from Venezuela. (Crime 2010) These ports in Latin America have had an impact on the cities in the Bahamas as well with the drug cartels exporting their drugs quicker to the surrounding countries; they use the ports of the Caribbean to refuel while on the way to Amer ica. The waters of the Caribbean islands are patrolled by navies from the United States, France, Canada and the Netherlands. (Barnes 2010) However, the patrolling of the waters has not had a significant impact in the delivery of drugs to other countries. As the international drug trade continues to spread and grow, Mexican dru... is their states right to produce these illegal substances if they wish. Supply and demand also shows that as long as people are willing to do illegal drugs states and people will continue to produce them. The United Nations, an international organization, has set up an office called the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, this office is authorized to set up field based projects, research and analytical work, and normative work in the effort to counteract illegal drugs, crime, and terrorism. This office reports directly to the general assembly and is part of a larger Intergovernmental Organization. (U. N. Crime 1997) With this office and the principles of reciprocity, a response to another’s actions when states that help one another in times of trouble or need, governments across the globe are uniting their efforts to stop the trafficking of illegal drugs.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Job skills Essay

VERBAL COMMUNICATION 1 Able to express your ideas clearly and confidently in speech TEAMWORK 2 Work confidently within a group COMMERCIAL AWARENESS 3 Understand the commercial realities affecting the organisation. ANALYSING & INVESTIGATING 4 Gather information systematically to establish facts & principles. Problem solving. INITIATIVE/SELF MOTIVATION 5 Able to act on initiative, identify opportunities & proactive in putting forward ideas & solutions DRIVE 6 Determination to get things done. Make things happen & constantly looking for better ways of doing things. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 7 Able to express yourself clearly in writing PLANNING & ORGANISING 8 Able to plan activities & carry them through effectively FLEXIBILITY 9 Adapt successfully to changing situations & environments TIME MANAGEMENT 10 Manage time effectively, prioritising tasks and able to work to deadlines. Other skills that were also seen as important GLOBAL SKILLS Able to speak and understand other languages. Appreciation of other cultures. See Study and work placements outside the UK Working Abroad NEGOTIATING & PERSUADING Able to influence and convince others, to discuss and reach agreement. LEADERSHIP Able to motivate and direct others NUMERACY Multiply & divide accurately, calculate percentages, use statistics & a calculator, interpret graphs & tables. COMPUTING SKILLS Word-processing, using databases, spreadsheets, the Internet & email, designing web pages etc. SELF AWARENESS Awareness of achievements, abilities, values & weaknesses & what you want out of life. PERSONAL IMPACT/CONFIDENCE Presents a strong, professional, positive image to others which inspires confidence & commands respect. LIFELONG LEARNING Continues to learn throughout life. Develops the competencies needed for current & future roles STRESS TOLERANCE Maintains effective performance under pressure INTEGRITY Adheres to standards & procedures, maintains confidentiality and questions inappropriate behaviour. INDEPENDENCE Accepts responsibility for views & actions and able to work under their own direction & initiative. DEVELOPING PROFESSIONALISM Pays care & attention to quality in all their work. Supports & empowers others. ACTION PLANNING Able to decide what steps are needed to achieve particular goals and then implement these. DECISION-MAKING Determines the best course of action. Evaluates options based on logic & fact & presents solutions INTERPERSONAL SENSITIVITY Recognises & respects different perspectives. Open to the ideas & views of others CREATIVITY Generates & applying new ideas & solutions

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on K-Mart

Anne Foss October 8, 2004 MT 460 01 Management Policy and strategies Lesson Project 1 K-mart Kmart was founded in 1899, it was known as the SS Kresge store. In 1912 the firs was incorporated and had 85 stores with sales of $10,325,000. Next to Woolworth’s it was the largest variety chain. In 1957 Harry Cunningham became General Vice President. In 1962 the first K-Mart was opened as a one-stop shopping unit. It was where you could by a variety of goods at closeout prices. Its weakness is when they tried to venture into other types of business and they spread themselves to much. This is where K-mart made one of their worse decisions in business. They realized expanding this way would not work. The only thing that they could do is to expand and improve their own stores. In 1990 K-Mart started to reverse their strategy, so they refurbished, expanded stores, on lifestyle departments, merchandising, and more capital investment in retail. Page 2 It was a $2.3 billion dollar program, which involved all stores. K-Mart senior executive was to get others to recognize that nothing is good forever. â€Å"good-planning† =getting involved, â€Å"poor-planning†=done by those who don’t recognize it and when they do it is too late. Their management believed they were successful in stratagy planning. Then in 1993, disappointment came. There was a loss of $974 Million in sales of $34,156,000 for the fiscal year ending January 26, 1994. The structure of K-Mart to me is one of pricing their products for the low to middle class of people. Then they tried to restructure their company and expanded to other business, which in turn did not measure out and had a severe loss of profits. K-Mart should go right back to their basic structure from the beginning. I would highly recom... Free Essays on K-Mart Free Essays on K-Mart Anne Foss October 8, 2004 MT 460 01 Management Policy and strategies Lesson Project 1 K-mart Kmart was founded in 1899, it was known as the SS Kresge store. In 1912 the firs was incorporated and had 85 stores with sales of $10,325,000. Next to Woolworth’s it was the largest variety chain. In 1957 Harry Cunningham became General Vice President. In 1962 the first K-Mart was opened as a one-stop shopping unit. It was where you could by a variety of goods at closeout prices. Its weakness is when they tried to venture into other types of business and they spread themselves to much. This is where K-mart made one of their worse decisions in business. They realized expanding this way would not work. The only thing that they could do is to expand and improve their own stores. In 1990 K-Mart started to reverse their strategy, so they refurbished, expanded stores, on lifestyle departments, merchandising, and more capital investment in retail. Page 2 It was a $2.3 billion dollar program, which involved all stores. K-Mart senior executive was to get others to recognize that nothing is good forever. â€Å"good-planning† =getting involved, â€Å"poor-planning†=done by those who don’t recognize it and when they do it is too late. Their management believed they were successful in stratagy planning. Then in 1993, disappointment came. There was a loss of $974 Million in sales of $34,156,000 for the fiscal year ending January 26, 1994. The structure of K-Mart to me is one of pricing their products for the low to middle class of people. Then they tried to restructure their company and expanded to other business, which in turn did not measure out and had a severe loss of profits. K-Mart should go right back to their basic structure from the beginning. I would highly recom...

Monday, October 21, 2019

World Food Shortage essays

World Food Shortage essays We Can Solve the World Food Shortage Problem in Our Lifetime. Most of us college students dont have to worry about hunger too much but the fact is hunger is a big problem in the world today. One person in every five is chronically hungry and 35,000 people die everyday of hunger. The worst earthquake in modern historyin China in 1976killed 242,000 people. Hunger kills that many people every seven days(1. Praeger). Many reasons cause hunger such as transportation, population growth and land shortage. There are also many possible solutions to these problems. The world has a limited supply of irritable land in which to produce food. If the irritable land was distributed to everyone in the world equally, everyone would only get a football field sized portion of land (2. video notes). Better irrigation methods could control this problem. A lot of countries are also producing the most out of their land with new technologies. However poor countries dont have the technology to increase production. Advancements in plant genetics have also reached its peak so the most productive countries are producing as much as they can. Today we produce about enough food to feed everyone. The problem is distributing the food evenly. The U.S. and Canada have up to half of the food in the world (3. Lecture notes). All the extra food cant be given out because needy countries dont have well enough transportation to bring the food to the people. Storage is a problem because the food often spoils before it can even reaches the hungry mouths. Fixing the transportation problem in these countries could end the hunger. Increasing population growth is a huge problem. Population is grower faster then food can be produced to feed them. Agriculture, better health care and religion have all contributed to the increase in world population. It is estimated the population growth is 100 million people each...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Classical Abbreviations for Authors and Their Works

Classical Abbreviations for Authors and Their Works There are certain standard abbreviations used in connection with the authors and their works in Classics. While I generally spell out the names and works of ancient authors, it is not always possible. Besides, youll find the abbreviations elsewhere. The following is a list of the ancient, non-Biblical writers and their works that you are likely to encounter during your study of Classics. Ill elaborate the first sets of abbreviations and a few throughout the list that might be puzzling. Aesch. Ag.: Aeschylus, AgamemnonThe author comes first; his work comes next, so this abbreviation means Aeschylus, a tragic playwright, wrote a tragedy called Agamemnon.Aesch. Eum.: Aeschylus, EumenidesAesch. Lib.: Aeschylus, Libation BearersAesch. PB: Aeschylus, Prometheus BoundAesch. Pers.: Aeschylus, PersiansAesch. Seven: Aeschylus, Seven Against ThebesAesch. Supp.: Aeschylus, Suppliant MaidensAeschin. 1: Aeschines, Against TimarchusAeschin. 2: Aeschines, On the EmbassyAeschin. 3: Aeschines, Against CtesiphonAmm.: Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum GestarumAndoc. 1: Andocides, On the MysteriesAndoc. 2: Andocides, On his ReturnAndoc. 3: Andocides, On the PeaceAndoc. 4: Andocides, Against AlcibiadesAntiph. 1: Antiphon, Against the Stepmother for PoisoningAntiph. 2: Antiphon, First TetralogyAntiph. 3: Antiphon, Second TetralogyAntiph. 4: Antiphon, Third TetralogyAntiph. 5: Antiphon, On the murder of HerodesAntiph. 6: Antiphon, On the ChoreutesApollod.: Pseudo-Apollodorus, LibraryApollod. Ep it.: Pseudo-Apollodorus, Epitome Apollon.: Apollonius Rhodius, ArgonauticaNothing besides the Argonautica is attributed to Apollonius.App. BC: Appian, Civil WarsBC stands for bellum civile which means civil war.App. Gall.: Appian, Gallic HistoryApp. Hann.: Appian, Hannibalic WarApp. Hisp.: Appian, Wars in SpainApp. Ill.: Appian, Illyrian WarsApp. Ital.: Appian, ItalyApp. Mac.: Appian, Macedonian AffairsApp. Mith.: Appian, Mithridatic WarsApp. Praef.: Appian, PrefacePraef. is short for Praefatio which means preface.App. Pun.: Appian, Punic WarsApp. Reg.: Appian, KingsApp. Sam.: Appian, Samnite HistoryApp. Sic.: Appian, Sicily and the Other IslandsApp. Syr.: Appian, Syrian WarsAret. CA: Aretaeus, De curatione acutorum morborum libri duoAret. CD: Aretaeus, De curatione diuturnorum morborum libri duoAret. SA: Aretaeus, De causis et signis acutorum morborum (lib. 1)Aret. SD: Aretaeus, De causis et signis acutorum morborum (lib. 2)Aristoph. Ach.: Aristophanes, AcharniansAristoph. Birds: Aristophanes, BirdsAristoph. Cl.: A ristophanes, Clouds Aristoph. Eccl.: Aristophanes, EcclesiazusaeAristoph. Frogs: Aristophanes, FrogsAristoph. Kn.: Aristophanes, KnightsAristoph. Lys.: Aristophanes, LysistrataAristoph. Peace: Aristophanes, PeaceAristoph. Pl.: Aristophanes, PlutusAristoph. Thes.: Aristophanes, ThesmophoriazusaeAristoph. Wasps: Aristophanes, WaspsAristot. Ath. Pol.: Aristotle, Constitution of the AtheniansAristot. Const. Ath.: Aristotle, Constitution of the AtheniansAristot. Econ.: Aristotle, EconomicsAristot. Eud. Eth.: Aristotle, Eudemian EthicsAristot. Met.: Aristotle, MetaphysicsAristot. Nic. Eth.: Aristotle, Nicomachean EthicsAristot. Poet.: Aristotle, PoeticsAristot. Pol.: Aristotle, PoliticsAristot. Rh.: Aristotle, RhetoricAristot. Vir.: Aristotle, Virtues and VicesAug. Anc.: Augustus, Res GestaeThe name of the work by Augustus is given as both Monumentum Ancyranum and Res Gestae Divi Augusti.Aug. RG: Augustus, Res GestaeBacchyl. Dith.: Bacchylides, DithyrambsBacchyl. Ep.: Bacchylides, EpiniciansBoe. Cons.: Boethi us, Consolation of Philosophy Caes. Civ.: Caesar, Civil WarCaes. Gal.: Caesar, Gallic WarCall. Ap.: Callimachus, Hymn to ApolloCall. Cer.: Callimachus, Hymn to DemeterCall. Del.: Callimachus, Hymn to DelosCall. Dem.: Callimachus, Hymn to DemeterCall. Dian.: Callimachus, Hymn to ArtemisCall. Epigr.: Callimachus, EpigramsCall. H. 1: Callimachus, Hymn to ZeusCall. H. 2: Callimachus, Hymn to ApolloCall. H. 3: Callimachus, Hymn to ArtemisCall. H. 4: Callimachus, Hymn to DelosCall. H. 5: Callimachus, Hymn to AthenaCall. H. 6: Callimachus, Hymn to DemeterCall. Jov.: Callimachus, Hymn to ZeusCall. Lav.: Callimachus, Hymn to AthenaCatul.: Catullus, PoemsCels.: A. Cornelius Celsus, De MedicinaCic. Ac.: Cicero, AcademicaCic. Agr.: Cicero, On the Agrarian LawCic. Amic.: Cicero, De AmicitiaCic. Arch.: Cicero, For ArchiasCic. Att.: Cicero, Letters to AtticusCic. Balb.: Cicero, For Cornelius BalbusCic. Caec.: Cicero, For Aulus CaecinaCic. Cael.: Cicero, For Marcus CaeliusCic. Catil.: Cicero, Against CatilineCic. Clu.: Cicero, F or Aulus Cluentius Cic. Deiot.: Cicero, For King DeiotariusCic. Div.: Cicero, De DivinationeCic. Div. Caec.: Cicero, Divinatio against Q. CaeciliusCic. Dom.: Cicero, On his HouseCic. Fam.: Cicero, Letters to his FriendsCic. Fat.: Cicero, De FatoCic. Fin.: Cicero, de Finibus Bonorum et MalorumCic. Flac.: Cicero, For FlaccusCic. Font.: Cicero, For Marcus FonteiusCic. Har.: Cicero, On the Responses of the HaruspicesCic. Leg.: Cicero, De LegibusCic. Lig.: Cicero, For LigariusCic. Luc.: Cicero, LucullusCic. Man.: Cicero, On Pompeys CommandCic. Marc.: Cicero, For MarcellusCic. Mil.: Cicero, For MiloCic. Mur.: Cicero, For Lucius MurenaCic. N.D.: Cicero, de Natura DeorumCic. Off.: Cicero, De OfficiisCic. Parad.: Cicero, Paradoxa StoicorumCic. Phil.: Cicero, PhilippicsCic. Pis.: Cicero, Against PisoCic. Planc.: Cicero, For PlanciusCic. Prov.: Cicero, On the Consular ProvincesCic. Q. Rosc.: Cicero, For Quintus Roscius the ActorCic. Q. fr.: Cicero, Letters to his brother QuintusCic. Quinct.: Cicero, For Publius Q uinctius Cic. Rab. Perd.: Cicero, For Rabirius on a Charge of TreasonCic. Rab. Post.: Cicero, For Rabirius PostumusCic. Red. Pop.: Cicero, To the Citizens after his ReturnCic. Red. Sen.: Cicero, In the Senate after his ReturnCic. Rep.: Cicero, De RepublicaCic. S. Rosc.: Cicero, For Sextus Roscius of AmeriaCic. Scaur.: Cicero, For Aemilius ScaurusCic. Sen.: Cicero, De SenectuteCic. Sest.: Cicero, For SestiusCic. Sul.: Cicero, For SullaCic. Tul.: Cicero, For Marcus TulliusCic. Tusc.: Cicero, Tusculanae DisputationesCic. Vat.: Cicero, Against VatiniusCic. Ver.: Cicero, Against VerresCic. ad Brut.: Cicero, Letters to BrutusCic. de Orat.: Cicero, On OratoryD. L.: Diogenes Laertius, Vitae philosophorumDem. 1: Demosthenes, Olynthiac 1Dem. 10: Demosthenes, Philippic 4Dem. 11: Demosthenes, Reply to PhilipDem. 12: Demosthenes, PhilipDem. 13: Demosthenes, On OrganizationDem. 14: Demosthenes, On the NavyDem. 15: Demosthenes, On the Liberty of the RhodiansDem. 16: Demosthenes, For the MegalopolitansDem. 1 7: Demosthenes, On the Accession of Alexander Dem. 18: Demosthenes, On the CrownDem. 19: Demosthenes, On the False EmbassyDem. 2: Demosthenes, Olynthiac 2Dem. 20: Demosthenes, Against LeptinesDem. 21: Demosthenes, Against MidiasDem. 22: Demosthenes, Against AndrotionDem. 23: Demosthenes, Against AristocratesDem. 24: Demosthenes, Against TimocratesDem. 25: Demosthenes, Against Aristogiton 1Dem. 26: Demosthenes, Against Aristogiton 2Dem. 27: Demosthenes, Against Aphobus 1Dem. 28: Demosthenes, Against Aphobus 2Dem. 29: Demosthenes, Against AphobusDem. 3: Demosthenes, Olynthiac 3Dem. 30: Demosthenes, Against OntenorDem. 31: Demosthenes, Against OntenorDem. 32: Demosthenes, Against ZenothemisDem. 33: Demosthenes, Against ApatouriusDem. 34: Demosthenes, Against PhormioDem. 35: Demosthenes, Against LacritusDem. 36: Demosthenes, For PhormioDem. 37: Demosthenes, Against PantaenetusDem. 38: Demosthenes, Against Nausimachus and XenopeithesDem. 39: Demosthenes, Against Boeotus 1Dem. 4: Demosthenes, Philippic 1Dem. 40: Demosthenes, Against B oeotus 2 Dem. 41: Demosthenes, Against SpudiasDem. 42: Demosthenes, Against PhaenippusDem. 43: Demosthenes, Against MacartatusDem. 44: Demosthenes, Against LeocharesDem. 45: Demosthenes, Against Stephanus 1Dem. 46: Demosthenes, Against Stephanus 2Dem. 47: Demosthenes, Against Evergus and MnesibulusDem. 48: Demosthenes, Against OlympiodorusDem. 49: Demosthenes, Against TimotheusDem. 5: Demosthenes, On the PeaceDem. 50: Demosthenes, Against PolyclesDem. 51: Demosthenes, On the Trierarchic CrownDem. 52: Demosthenes, Against CallippusDem. 53: Demosthenes, Against NicostratusDem. 54: Demosthenes, Against CononDem. 55: Demosthenes, Against CalliclesDem. 56: Demosthenes, Against DionysodorusDem. 57: Demosthenes, Against EubulidesDem. 58: Demosthenes, Against TheocrinesDem. 59: Demosthenes, Against NeaeraDem. 6: Demosthenes, Philippic 2Dem. 60: Demosthenes, Funeral SpeechDem. 61: Demosthenes, Erotic EssayDem. 7: Demosthenes, On the HalonnesusDem. 8: Demosthenes, On the ChersoneseDem. 9: Demosthenes, Philippic 3 Dem. Ex.: Demosthenes, ExordiaDem. L.: Demosthenes, LettersDemad. 1: Demades, On the Twelve YearsDin. 1: Dinarchus, Against DemosthenesDin. 2: Dinarchus, Against AristogitonDin. 3: Dinarchus, Against PhiloclesDiod.: Diodorus, Historical LibraryEuc.: Euclid, ElementsEur. Alc.: Euripides, AlcestisEur. Andr.: Euripides, AndromacheEur. Ba.: Euripides, BacchaeEur. Cycl.: Euripides, CyclopsEur. El.: Euripides, ElectraEur. Hec.: Euripides, HecubaEur. Hel.: Euripides, HelenEur. Her.: Euripides, HeraclesEur. Heraclid.: Euripides, HeraclidaeEur. Hipp.: Euripides, HippolytusEur. IA: Euripides, Iphigeneia in AulisEur. IT: Euripides, Iphigeneia in TaurusEur. Ion: Euripides, IonEur. Med.: Euripides, MedeaEur. Orest.: Euripides, OrestesEur. Phoen.: Euripides, Phoenician WomenEur. Rh.: Euripides, RhesusEur. Supp.: Euripides, SuppliantsEur. Tro.: Euripides, Trojan WomenGal. Nat. Fac.: Galen, De naturalibus facultatibusGel.: Gellius, Noctes AtticaeHH 1: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 1 to DionysusHH 10: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 10 to Aphrodite HH 11: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 11 to AthenaHH 12: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 12 to HeraHH 13: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 13 to DemeterHH 14: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 14 to the Mother of the GodsHH 15: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 15 to HeraclesHH 16: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 16 to AsclepiusHH 17: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 17 to the DioscuriHH 18: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 18 to HermesHH 19: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 19 to PanHH 2: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 2 to DemeterHH 20: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 20 to HephaestusHH 21: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 21 to ApolloHH 22: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 22 to PoseidonHH 23: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 23 to ZeusHH 24: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 24 to HestiaHH 25: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 25 to the Muses and ApolloHH 26: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 26 to DionysusHH 27: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 27 to ArtemisHH 28: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 28 to AthenaHH 29: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 29 to HestiaHH 3: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 3 to ApolloHH 30: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 30 to EarthHH 31: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 31 to HeliosHH 32: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 32 to SeleneHH 33: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 33 to the Dioscuri HH 4: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 4 to HermesHH 5: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 5 to AphroditeHH 6: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 6 to AphroditeHH 7: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 7 to DionysusHH 8: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 8 to AresHH 9: Homeric Hymns, Hymn 9 to ArtemisHdt.: Herodotus, HistoriesHes. Sh.: Hesiod, Shield of HeraclesHes. Th.: Hesiod, TheogonyHes. WD: Hesiod, Works and DaysHirt. Gal.: Caesar, Gallic WarHom. Il.: Homer, IliadHom. Od.: Homer, OdysseyHor. Ars: Horace, Ars PoeticaHor. Carm.: Horace, OdesHor. S.: Horace, SatiresHp. Acut.: Hippocrates, De diaeta in morbis acutisHp. Acut. Sp.: Hippocrates, De diaeta acutorumHp. Aer.: Hippocrates, De aere aquis et locisHp. Alim.: Hippocrates, De alimentoHp. Aph.: Hippocrates, AphorismiHp. Art.: Hippocrates, De articulisHp. Epid.: Hippocrates, De morbis popularibusHp. Fist.: Hippocrates, De fistulisHp. Fract.: Hippocrates, De fracturisHp. Haem.: Hippocrates, De haemorrhoidibusHp. Jusj.: Hippocrates, JusjurandumHp. Lex: Hippocrates, LexHp. Mochl.: Hippocrates, Vectiarius Hp. Morb. Sacr.: Hippocrates, De morbo sacro Hp. Off.: Hippocrates, De officina mediciHp. Praec.: Hippocrates, PraeceptionesHp. Prog.: Hippocrates, PrognosticonHp. Ulc.: Hippocrates, De ulceribusHp. VC: Hippocrates, De capitis vulneribusHp. VM: Hippocrates, De prisca medicinaHyp. 1: Hyperides, In Defence of LycophronHyp. 2: Hyperides, Against PhilippidesHyp. 3: Hyperides, Against AthenogenesHyp. 4: Hyperides, In Defence of EuxenippusHyp. 5: Hyperides, Against DemosthenesHyp. 6: Hyperides, Funeral OrationIsaeus 1: Isaeus, CleonymusIsaeus 10: Isaeus, AristarchusIsaeus 11: Isaeus, HagniasIsaeus 12: Isaeus, EuphiletusIsaeus 2: Isaeus, MeneclesIsaeus 3: Isaeus, PyrrhusIsaeus 4: Isaeus, NicostratusIsaeus 5: Isaeus, DicaeogenesIsaeus 6: Isaeus, PhiloctemonIsaeus 7: Isaeus, ApollodorusIsaeus 8: Isaeus, CironIsaeus 9: Isaeus, AstyphilusIsoc. 1: Isocrates, To DemonicusIsoc. 10: Isocrates, HelenIsoc. 11: Isocrates, BusirisIsoc. 12: Isocrates, PanathenaicusIsoc. 13: Isocrates, Against the SophistsIsoc. 14: Isocrates, PlataicusIsoc. 15: Iso crates, Antidosis Isoc. 16: Isocrates, On the team of horsesIsoc. 17: Isocrates, TrapeziticusIsoc. 18: Isocrates, Against CallimachusIsoc. 19: Isocrates, AegineticusIsoc. 2: Isocrates, To NicoclesIsoc. 20: Isocrates, Against LochitesIsoc. 21: Isocrates, Against EuthynusIsoc. 3: Isocrates, Nicocles or the CypriansIsoc. 4: Isocrates, PanegyricusIsoc. 5: Isocrates, To PhilipIsoc. 6: Isocrates, ArchidamusIsoc. 7: Isocrates, AreopagiticusIsoc. 8: Isocrates, On the PeaceIsoc. 9: Isocrates, EvagorasIsoc. L. 1: Isocrates, Ad DionysiumIsoc. L. 2: Isocrates, Ad PhilippumIsoc. L. 3: Isocrates, Ad PhilippumIsoc. L. 4: Isocrates, Ad AntipatrumIsoc. L. 5: Isocrates, Ad AlexandrumIsoc. L. 6: Isocrates, Ad filios JasonisIsoc. L. 7: Isocrates, Ad TimotheumIsoc. L. 8: Isocrates, Ad reges MytilenaeosIsoc. L. 9: Isocrates, Ad ArchidamumJ. AJ: Flavius Josephus, Jewish AntiquitiesJ. Ap.: Flavius Josephus, Against ApionJ. BJ: Flavius Josephus, The Jewish WarJ. Vit.: Flavius Josephus, Life of JosephusLSJ: Henry George Liddel l, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon Liv. 1: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 1Liv. 10: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 10Liv. 11: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 11, SummaryLiv. 12: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 12, SummaryLiv. 13: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 13, SummaryLiv. 14: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 14, SummaryLiv. 15: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 15, SummaryLiv. 16: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 16, SummaryLiv. 17: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 17, SummaryLiv. 18: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 18, SummaryLiv. 19: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 19, SummaryLiv. 2: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 2Liv. 20: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 20, SummaryLiv. 21: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 21Liv. 22: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 22Liv. 23: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 23Liv. 24: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 24Liv. 25: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 25Liv. 26: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 26Liv. 27: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 27Liv. 28: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 28Liv. 29: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 29 Liv. 3: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 3Liv. 30: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 30Liv. 31: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 31Liv. 32: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 32Liv. 33: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 33Liv. 34: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 34Liv. 35: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 35Liv. 36: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 36Liv. 37: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 37Liv. 38: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 38Liv. 39: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 39Liv. 4: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 4Liv. 40: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 40Liv. 41: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 41Liv. 42: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 42Liv. 43: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 43Liv. 44: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 44Liv. 45: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 45Liv. 5: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 5Liv. 6: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 6Liv. 7: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 7Liv. 8: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 8Liv. 9: Livy, The History of Rome, Book 9Liv. Frag.: Livy, The H istory of Rome, Fragments Luc.: Lucan, Civil WarLucr.: Lucretius, De Rerum NaturaLyc. 1: Lycurgus, Against LeocratesLys. 1: Lysias, On the Murder of EratosthenesLys. 10: Lysias, Against Theomnestus 1Lys. 11: Lysias, Against Theomnestus 2Lys. 12: Lysias, Against EratosthenesLys. 13: Lysias, Against AgoratusLys. 14: Lysias, Against Alcibiades 1Lys. 15: Lysias, Against Alcibiades 2Lys. 16: Lysias, For MantitheusLys. 17: Lysias, On the Property of EratonLys. 18: Lysias, On the Confiscation of the Property of the Brother of NiciasLys. 19: Lysias, On the Property of AristophanesLys. 2: Lysias, Funeral OrationLys. 20: Lysias, For PolystratusLys. 21: Lysias, Defence against a Charge of Taking BribesLys. 22: Lysias, Against the Corn DealersLys. 23: Lysias, Against PancleonLys. 24: Lysias, On the Refusal of a PensionLys. 25: Lysias, Defence against a Charge of subverting the DemocracyLys. 26: Lysias, On the Scrutiny of EvandrosLys. 27: Lysias, Against Epicrates and his Fellow EnvoysLys. 28: Lysias, Against ErgoclesLys. 29: Lysias, Against Philocrates Lys. 3: Lysias, Against SimonLys. 30: Lysias, Against NicomachusLys. 31: Lysias, Against PhilonLys. 32: Lysias, Against DiogeitonLys. 33: Lysias, Olympic OrationLys. 34: Lysias, Against the Subversion of the Ancestral Constitution of AthensLys. 4: Lysias, On a Wound by PremeditationLys. 5: Lysias, For CalliasLys. 6: Lysias, Against AndocidesLys. 7: Lysias, On the Olive StumpLys. 8: Lysias, Accusation of CalumnyLys. 9: Lysias, For the SoldierNep. Ag.: Cornelius Nepos, AgesilausNep. Alc.: Cornelius Nepos, AlcibiadesNep. Ar.: Cornelius Nepos, AristidesNep. Att.: Cornelius Nepos, AtticusNep. Ca.: Cornelius Nepos, CatoNep. Cha.: Cornelius Nepos, ChabriasNep. Cim.: Cornelius Nepos, CimonNep. Con.: Cornelius Nepos, CononNep. Dat.: Cornelius Nepos, DatamesNep. Di.: Cornelius Nepos, DionNep. Ep.: Cornelius Nepos, EpaminondasNep. Eum.: Cornelius Nepos, EumenesNep. Ham.: Cornelius Nepos, HamilcarNep. Han.: Cornelius Nepos, HannibalNep. Iph.: Cornelius Nepos, IphicratesNep. Lys.: Cornelius Nepos , Lysander Nep. Milt.: Cornelius Nepos, MiltiadesNep. Paus.: Cornelius Nepos, PausaniasNep. Pel.: Cornelius Nepos, PelopidasNep. Phoc.: Cornelius Nepos, PhocionNep. Reg.: Cornelius Nepos, KingsNep. Them.: Cornelius Nepos, ThemistoclesNep. Thr.: Cornelius Nepos, ThrasybulusNep. Timol.: Cornelius Nepos, TimoleonNep. Timoth.: Cornelius Nepos, TimotheusOv. Am.: Ovid, AmoresOv. Ars: Ovid, Ars AmatoriaOv. Ep.: Ovid, EpistulaeOv. Ep. Sapph.: Ovid, EpistulaeOv. Med.: Ovid, Medicamina Faciei FemineaeOv. Met.: Ovid, MetamorphosesOv. Rem.: Ovid, Remedia AmorisPaus.: Pausanias, Description of GreecePetr.: Petronius, SatyriconPetr. Fr.: Petronius, FragmentsPetr. Poems: Petronius, PoemsPhaed.: Phaedrus, FablesPind. I.: Pindar, IsthmeanPind. N.: Pindar, NemeanPind. O.: Pindar, OlympianPind. P.: Pindar, PythianPl. Am.: Plautus, AmphitruoPl. As.: Plautus, AsinariaPl. Aul.: Plautus, AululariaPl. Bac.: Plautus, BacchidesPl. Capt.: Plautus, CaptiviPl. Cas.: Plautus, CasinaPl. Cist.: Plautus, CistellariaPl. Cur.: P lautus, Curculio Pl. Epid.: Plautus, EpidicusPl. Men.: Plautus, MenaechmiPl. Mer.: Plautus, MercatorPl. Mil.: Plautus, Miles GloriosusPl. Mos.: Plautus, MostellariaPl. Per.: Plautus, PersaPl. Poen.: Plautus, PoenulusPl. Ps.: Plautus, PseudolusPl. Rud.: Plautus, RudensPl. St.: Plautus, StichusPl. Trin.: Plautus, TrinummusPl. Truc.: Plautus, TruculentusPl. Vid.: Plautus, VidulariaPlat. Alc. 1: Plato, Alcibiades 1Plat. Alc. 2: Plato, Alcibiades 2Plat. Apol.: Plato, ApologyPlat. Charm.: Plato, CharmidesPlat. Cleit.: Plato, CleitophonPlat. Crat.: Plato, CratylusPlat. Criti.: Plato, CritiasPlat. Crito: Plato, CritoPlat. Epin.: Plato, EpinomisPlat. Euthyd.: Plato, EuthydemusPlat. Euthyph.: Plato, EuthyphroPlat. Gorg.: Plato, GorgiasPlat. Hipp. Maj.: Plato, Greater HippiasPlat. Hipp. Min.: Plato, Lesser HippiasPlat. Hipparch.: Plato, HipparchusPlat. Ion: Plato, IonPlat. L.: Plato, LettersPlat. Lach.: Plato, LachesPlat. Laws: Plato, LawsPlat. Lovers: Plato, LoversPlat. Lysis: Plato, LysisPlat. Menex.: Plato, Menexenus Plat. Meno: Plato, MenoPlat. Minos: Plato, MinosPlat. Parm.: Plato, ParmenidesPlat. Phaedo: Plato, PhaedoPlat. Phaedrus: Plato, PhaedrusPlat. Phileb.: Plato, PhilebusPlat. Prot.: Plato, ProtagorasPlat. Rep.: Plato, RepublicPlat. Soph.: Plato, SophistPlat. Stat.: Plato, StatesmanPlat. Sym.: Plato, SymposiumPlat. Theaet.: Plato, TheaetetusPlat. Theag.: Plato, TheagesPlat. Tim.: Plato, TimaeusPlb.: Polybius, HistoriesPlin. Ep.: Pliny the Younger, EpistulaePlin. Nat.: Pliny the Elder, Naturalis HistoriaPlut. Aem.: Plutarch, Aemilius PaullusPlut. Ages.: Plutarch, AgesilausPlut. Agis: Plutarch, AgisPlut. Alc.: Plutarch, AlcibiadesPlut. Alex.: Plutarch, AlexanderPlut. Ant.: Plutarch, AntoniusPlut. Arat.: Plutarch, AratusPlut. Arist.: Plutarch, AristeidesPlut. Art.: Plutarch, ArtaxerxesPlut. Brut.: Plutarch, BrutusPlut. CG: Plutarch, Gaius GracchusPlut. Caes.: Plutarch, CaesarPlut. Cam.: Plutarch, CamillusPlut. Cat. Ma.: Plutarch, Marcus CatoPlut. Cat. Mi.: Plutarch, Cato MinorPlut. Cic.: Pl utarch, Cicero Plut. Cim.: Plutarch, CimonPlut. Cleom.: Plutarch, CleomenesPlut. Comp. Ag. Gracch.: Plutarch, Comparison of Agis and Cleomenes and the GracchiPlut. Comp. Ages. Pomp.: Plutarch, Comparison of Agesilaus and PompeyPlut. Comp. Alc. Cor.: Plutarch, Comparison of Alcibiades and CoriolanusPlut. Comp. Aristid. Cat.: Plutarch, Comparison of Aristides with Marcus CatoPlut. Comp. Cim. Luc.: Plutarch, Comparison of Lucullus and CimonPlut. Comp. Dem. Cic.: Plutarch, Comparison of Demosthenes with CiceroPlut. Comp. Demetr. Ant.: Plutarch, Comparison of Demetrius and AntonyPlut. Comp. Dion. Brut.: Plutarch, Comparison of Dion and BrutusPlut. Comp. Eum. Sert.: Plutarch, Comparison of Sertorius and EumenesPlut. Comp. Lyc. Num.: Plutarch, Comparison of Lycurgus and NumaPlut. Comp. Lys. Sull.: Plutarch, Comparison of Lysander and SullaPlut. Comp. Nic. Crass.: Plutarch, Comparison of Nicias and CrassusPlut. Comp. Pel. Marc.: Plutarch, Comparison of Pelopidas and MarcellusPlut. Comp. Per. Fab.: Plutarch , Comparison of Pericles and Fabius Maximus Plut. Comp. Phil. Flam.: Plutarch, Comparison of Philopoemen and TitusPlut. Comp. Sol. Publ.: Plutarch, Comparison of Solon and PublicolaPlut. Comp. Thes. Rom.: Plutarch, Comparison of Theseus and RomulusPlut. Comp. Tim. Aem. : Plutarch, Comparison of Timoleon and AemiliusPlut. Cor.: Plutarch, Caius Marcius CoriolanusPlut. Crass.: Plutarch, CrassusPlut. Dem.: Plutarch, DemosthenesPlut. Demetr.: Plutarch, DemetriusPlut. Dio: Plutarch, DionPlut. Eum.: Plutarch, EumenesPlut. Fab.: Plutarch, Fabius MaximusPlut. Flam.: Plutarch, Titus FlamininusPlut. Galb.: Plutarch, GalbaPlut. Luc.: Plutarch, LucullusPlut. Lyc.: Plutarch, LycurgusPlut. Lys.: Plutarch, LysanderPlut. Mar.: Plutarch, Caius MariusPlut. Marc.: Plutarch, MarcellusPlut. Nic.: Plutarch, NiciasPlut. Num.: Plutarch, NumaPlut. Oth.: Plutarch, OthoPlut. Pel.: Plutarch, PelopidasPlut. Per.: Plutarch, PericlesPlut. Phil.: Plutarch, PhilopoemenPlut. Phoc.: Plutarch, PhocionPlut. Pomp.: Plutarch, PompeyPlut. Publ.: Plutarch, PublicolaPl ut. Pyrrh.: Plutarch, Pyrrhus Plut. Rom.: Plutarch, RomulusPlut. Sert.: Plutarch, SertoriusPlut. Sol.: Plutarch, SolonPlut. Sull.: Plutarch, SullaPlut. TG: Plutarch, Tiberius GracchusPlut. Them.: Plutarch, ThemistoclesPlut. Thes.: Plutarch, TheseusPlut. Tim.: Plutarch, TimoleonProp.: Sextus Propertius, ElegiesPs. Xen. Const. Ath.: Old Oligarch, Constitution of the AtheniansQuint. Inst. 1: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 1Quint. Inst. 10: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 10Quint. Inst. 11: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 11Quint. Inst. 12: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 12Quint. Inst. 2: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 2Quint. Inst. 3: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 3Quint. Inst. 4: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 4Quint. Inst. 5: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 5Quint. Inst. 6: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 6Quint. Inst. 7: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 7Quint. Inst. 8: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 8Quint. Inst. 9: Quintilian, Institutio Or atoria, Book 9 Quint. Inst. Pref.: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, PrefaceSal. Cat.: Sallust, Catilinae ConiuratioSal. Hist.: Sallust, HistoriaeSal. Jug.: Sallust, Bellum IugurthinumSen. Ag.: Seneca, AgamemnonSen. Apoc.: Seneca, ApocolocyntosisSen. Ben.: Seneca, de BeneficiisSen. Brev. Vit.: Seneca, de Brevitate VitaeSen. Cl.: Seneca, de ClementiaSen. Cons. Helv.: Seneca, de consolatione ad HelviamSen. Cons. Marc.: Seneca, de consolatione ad MarciamSen. Cons. Polyb.: Seneca, de consolatione ad PolybiumSen. Cons. Sap.: Seneca, de ConstantiaSen. Const.: Seneca, de ConstantiaSen. Ep.: Seneca, EpistulaeSen. Her. F.: Seneca, Hercules FurensSen. Her. O.: Seneca, Hercules OetaeusSen. Ira: Seneca, de IraSen. Med.: Seneca, MedeaSen. Oct.: Seneca, OctaviaSen. Oed.: Seneca, OedipusSen. Ot. Sap.: Seneca, de Otio SapientisSen. Phaed.: Seneca, PhaedraSen. Phoen.: Seneca, PhoenissaeSen. Prov.: Seneca, de ProvidentiaSen. Thy.: Seneca, ThyestesSen. Tranq.: Seneca, de Tranquilitate AnimiSen. Tro.: Seneca, TroadesSe n. Vit. Beat.: Seneca, de Vita Beata Serv. A.: Servius, Commentary on the Aeneid of VergilSoph. Aj.: Sophocles, AjaxSoph. Ant.: Sophocles, AntigoneSoph. El.: Sophocles, ElectraSoph. Ich.: Sophocles, IchneutaeSoph. OC: Sophocles, Oedipus at ColonusSoph. OT: Sophocles, Oedipus TyrannusSoph. Phil.: Sophocles, PhiloctetesSoph. Trach.: Sophocles, TrachiniaeStrab.: Strabo, GeographySuet. Aug.: Suetonius, Divus AugustusSuet. Cal.: Suetonius, CaligulaSuet. Cl.: Suetonius, Divus ClaudiusSuet. Dom.: Suetonius, DomitianusSuet. Gal.: Suetonius, GalbaSuet. Jul.: Suetonius, Divus JuliusSuet. Nero: Suetonius, NeroSuet. Otho: Suetonius, OthoSuet. Tib.: Suetonius, TiberiusSuet. Tit.: Suetonius, Divus TitusSuet. Ves.: Suetonius, Divus VespasianusSuet. Vit.: Suetonius, VitelliusSulpicia: Sulpicia, PoemsTac. Ag.: Tacitus, AgricolaTac. Ann.: Tacitus, AnnalesTac. Dial.: Tacitus, DialogusTac. Ger.: Tacitus, GermaniaTac. Hist.: Tacitus, HistoriaeTer. Ad.: Terence, The BrothersTer. An.: Terence, AndriaTer. Eu.: Terence, The EunuchTer. Hau.: Ter ence, The Self-Tormenter Ter. Hec.: Terence, The Mother-in-LawTer. Ph.: Terence, PhormioTheoc.: Theocritus, IdyllsTheoc. Ep.: Theocritus, EpigramsTheoc. Id.: Theocritus, IdyllsThphr. Char.: Theophrastus, CharactersThuc.: Thucydides, HistoriesV. Fl.: C. Valerius Flaccus, ArgonauticaVerg. A.: Vergil, AeneidVerg. Ecl.: Vergil, EcloguesVerg. G.: Vergil, GeorgicsVitr.: Vitruvius, On ArchitectureXen. Ages.: Xenophon, AgesilausXen. Anab.: Xenophon, AnabasisXen. Apol.: Xenophon, ApologyXen. Cav.: Xenophon, On the Cavalry CommanderXen. Const. Lac.: Xenophon, Constitution of the LacedaimoniansXen. Cyrop.: Xenophon, CyropaediaXen. Ec.: Xenophon, EconomicsXen. Hell.: Xenophon, HellenicaXen. Hiero: Xenophon, HieroXen. Horse.: Xenophon, On the Art of HorsemanshipXen. Hunt.: Xenophon, On HuntingXen. Mem.: Xenophon, MemorabiliaXen. Sym.: Xenophon, SymposiumXen. Ways: Xenophon, Ways and Means Source: Perseus.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Introduction to Accounting and finance -- Economics, Finance and Assignment - 3

Introduction to Accounting and finance -- Economics, Finance and Management - Assignment Example They are very disturbed with months like September recording a high sales volume and November recording a low sales volume. This could prove to be an issue for the working capital in the long run and the concept of going concern. (Fields. E., 2002). It would be better if the manager’s focus on achieving uniform sales targets every month so that the working capital available could be more consistent giving way for better planning. 3. If the company would continue with bulk purchases and not go for investing further in machinery, there could be a possibility of maintaining obsolete machinery. As it is, the company has only machinery worth  £25,000 and further non-investment may prove to be a hindrance to exploring newer avenues of market creation. (Clemmer. J., 1995). However, it needs to understand that its retained earnings which represent the profit over the years are quite high. They almost represent double of the owner’s equity. This means that the company’s overall profitability is commendable. Cash, on the other hand, represents the revenue or liability of that company. Revenue is generated by sales of that company. This is explained in the trading account of the firm. The other way to generate cash is to take up a liability. This is shown in the balance sheet of the firm. In the case of Hide to seek ltd there is a negative liquidity possibility for two months. This is because the company is planning to purchase materials in bulk. These materials are further sold in the coming months. There is no incidence of purchases in the next six months. Bulk purchases ensure discounted price. That means, while cash reserves are decreasing for two months, there is an indirect increase in profits in the next 3 months. This is the strategy to withhold benefits to gain higher of them in the future. This has to be given as an explanation in the footnotes to the financial statements. (Lander. P.G., 2004). If Hidetoseek ltd decides to investigate

Friday, October 18, 2019

Arab learners of English Avoid using phrasal verbs Research Paper

Arab learners of English Avoid using phrasal verbs - Research Paper Example Such an observation has been made on the basis of wide ranging studies conducted by various researchers in this regard. As mentioned earlier, recently there has been observed a trend, which indicates the avoidance of phrasal verbs by Arab learners of the English language. Several papers and research articles have focused on this phenomenon which indicates such an avoidance (Kano (2006), Tarone (1981), Kleinmann (1977), etc.) as well as the manner of avoidance i.e., semantic, topical, lexical, phonological, morphological, graphological or void, (Brown,1994). This trend, hence, has been identified as a classic problem or issue of concern among the researchers in the field of linguistic studies. However, consensus on the actual occurrence and the reasons behind such a trend is yet to be arrived, owing to the differing views presented by various researchers. For instance, Schachter (1974) who first observed such avoidance behavior claimed that the learners, who resorted to avoid usage of phrasal verbs, did so, owing to difficulties in constructing sentences using such verbs. Researchers such as Klienmann (1977), Chiang (1980), Dagut and Laufer (1985) etc supported the claims made by Schachter, that the avoidance was mainly on account of difficulty experienced by the learners with respect to structure and semantic aspects of the target language. While yet others such as Seliger, (1989) argues that, there is no clear definition of avoidance and further states that avoidance can only occur in situations wherei the learners are able to form a target structure but lack knowledge regarding appropriate distributional rules. The native language plays a significant role in influencing the manner in which a learner produces different structures. This claim was substantiated by Kleinmann (1977) in his experiments whereby he studied a group of Arabic speakers as well as Spanish / Portuguese speakers with regard to the use of passives, present

Wireless and the new Technology Annotated Bibliography

Wireless and the new Technology - Annotated Bibliography Example Results were determined comparatively through pre- and post-tests. Based on the gathered data, the results of the examinations with the ARS is similar to the conventional form of learning but based on surveys that explored the students’ opinions, ARS is more stimulating to learning. In the study, Islam and Doyle focused on the advantages brought about by the use of wireless technology specifically the mobile SMS in the communication among the developing countries, specifically one of the poorest countries which is Bangladesh. The said advantages include health services, e-commerce, data gathering for different studies and distance education. The results of the article contributed in the determination that the applications of wireless technology are not limited in the urban areas and in developed nations. Barnes, L. J. (2008). Lecture-Free High School Biology Using an Audience Response System. American Biology Teacher, 70(9), 531-536. Retrieved September 15, 2009, from Blackbourn, J. M., Fillingim, J. G., McCelland, S., Elrod, G. F., Medley, M. B., Kritsonis, M. A., Ray, J. (2008). The Use of Wireless Technology to Augment Problem-Based Learning in Special Education Preservice Teacher Training. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 35(2), 169-176. Retrieved September 15, 2009, from Islam, Y. M. and Doyle, K. O. (2008). Distance Education via SMS Technology in Rural Bangladesh. American Behavioral Scientist, 52(1), 87-96. Retrieved September 15, 2009, from

Discuss two items from each museum and respond to the questions Research Paper

Discuss two items from each museum and respond to the questions - Research Paper Example So, it can be seen that this communication is a complex process, through the medium of the art work itself. Earlier, the term art was used to refer any sort of skill or mastery. But the Romantic spirit which transformed the scenario of art helped it to relate itself to any object, concrete or abstract, capable to stimulate thoughts and emotions. The power of Art to attract human minds is irrevocably proven and it is clear that the discussion of art pieces from different museums will shed much light to the foretold subject. The museums selected for the discussion are: National Portrait Gallery and Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, and the items selected are: 1. Fine arts- the portrait of Abraham Lincoln namely-‘The Penny Image of Abraham Lincoln’ (see appendix-1) by William Willard. 2. Natural history (Archaeology) – ‘Mummied Ibis’ (see appendix-2) i.e., mummified form of an animal excavated from Egypt. The painting-‘The Penny Image of Abraham Lincoln’, was painted by William Willard in 1864. The medium of the work is oil on canvas and the owner is the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. The object-‘Mummied Ibis’ is an animal mummy excavated from Abydos, an important site of Ancient Egyptian culture. The portrait is based on a photograph of Lincoln, captured by Anthony Berger at a famous studio, namely Mathew Brady’s studio, Washington D.C., in 1864. At the same time, the second object selected for discussion, i.e. ‘Mummied Ibis’ symbolize the cultural aspects of ancient Egypt. The process of mummifying or embalming was a complex process related to the belief of ancient Egyptians in life after death. Barry J. Kemp reflects that: â€Å"The nature of the ancient Egyptian state and its wealth of devices-myth, symbol and institution to manipulate minds and to direct the lives

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Resource Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resource Management - Case Study Example High attrition levels have emerged as one of the growing menaces in almost all organizations, which seem to be finding it hard to retain their own employees. It is difficult to find loyal employees and organizations must try and treasure those that they possess. The project seeks to identify the emerging HR problems in Sambian Partners, which is stricken by the problem of employee attritions. Unable to retain some of the crucial talents in the organization, the organization works hard to trace out the root of the problem in the organization. The surprising fact is that the company provides fair compensations, which are at par with industry standards, comfortable working conditions, recognizes employee works and contributions of employees and values them. Yet, it is deeply struck with the problem of losing its valued employees to a close competitor. The project seeks to identify the problems which are responsible for the same, and proposes suitable management strategies for controllin g the same too. Problems Identified The main problem identified is poor HR skills on the part of the HR department. Helen, being the CEO of the company, shows poor skills to manage the workforce. Though she seems to be a great architectural talent and has inherited the firm from her father, she does not display enough HR talent to be able to retain or even develop existing talents in the organization. The first instance when one of the reputed employees belonging to a senior level of the organization leaves the organization shows lack of motivational capability on part of the CEO and the human resource department of the organization at large. The conversation between Mary and Bob does not enlighten the organization on anything about the cause of frustration or dissatisfaction which drove his actions towards leaving the organization and joining its major rival organization. Despite being at a high position and blessed with appreciation and recognition of senior level employees in the organization, Bob’s decision to leave the company and move forth demonstrated very poor motivational characteristics of the management to keep him content with his present responsibilities and position. Bob is seen to have immense creative talent and his innovative skills employed at work fetch him good results. However, it is crucial for an organization for backing its critical and rare talents in the organization with the required support structure so as to ensure that he is able to deliver to the best of his ability. Bob finds a void when it comes to handling challenges at the workplace. This phenomenon can be compared to Maslow’s motivational hierarchy in which BOB has reached the second highest level in the hierarchy, i.e. self esteem, achievement, confidence and respect of others. He is seeking to get to the next level of self-actualization, but cannot find adequate opportunities to do so. In this case, it is seen that Bob does not have first class sales men, or marketing behind him to support his work. Thus his dream of attaining the level of self-actualization remains unfulfilled (Arredondo, 1996, p.139). One of the other crucial shortcomings displayed by the organization and the CEO, Helen, is to recognise the importance of employee loyalty

Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Assignment 2 - Essay Example Right from the time of birth up to maturity, people anticipate to have some sense of love and belonging. Relationships make people to feel in place. Relationships make people happy and appreciate their life worth living. However, it is the same relationships that cause stress for most people. Relationships are major and common causes of stress for many individuals, especially when the relationships turn sour. People frequently undergo relationship problems such as, but not limited to infidelity. Relationships between spouses, peers, friends, employees and any other form of social systems, are usually characterized by conflicts. Despite the fact that relationship problems are the most prevalent, many people are oblivious of the causes of the problems. It is this lack of comprehensive understanding of the causes and nature of conflicts in relationships that causes stress for many individuals. In most occasions, problems in relationships are associated with concealed conversations and c onduct patterns buried deep within individuals. Most often, people fail to recognize their roles in relationships. Further, many people are always perplexed about what they are supposed to do in order to establish and sustain blissful, triumphant and long-lasting relationships. As they mull over how to make their relationships perfect, most people end up stressed. However, in many incidents, break ups in relationships and lack of understanding are usually what result into stress for many individuals. Relatively few people can manage their stress levels after break-ups. Instead of focusing on positive ways of dealing with their predicaments, many people are often engulfed in sulking and crying over spilt milk, which worsen their situation all together. What stresses one person may not be a problem to the other. According to mental health experts, personality contributes hugely to the manner in which people handle their relationships and stress. According to mental health professional s, individuals with â€Å"Type A† personalities are usually impatient, determined, time-conscious and driven. These personalities if not controlled properly may lead to stress-related ill health. On the other hand, people with â€Å"Type B† traits tend to be relaxed, not overly time-conscious, determined. As such, people with â€Å"Type B† traits often perceive things adaptively. Unlike individuals with â€Å"Type A† traits, they can think constructively and figure out how they can resolve their situations. Generally, individuals with â€Å"Type B† personalities tend to be less vulnerable to stress compared to people with â€Å"Type A† traits (Pejuskovic et al 389). It is often noticed that women and men usually respond to stress differently. One of the reasons that have been attributed to this is hormonal influence (Rai 52). Three hormones are believed to play a significant role in how women and men react to stress. These include cortisol, epinephrine, and oxytocin. In the event of stress, cortisol and epinephrine hormones are released, which increases blood pressure and also increase blood sugar level of an individual. Cortisol also reduces the efficiency of an individual’s immune system (Rai 52). In women, cortisol and epinephrine hormones are released into the bloodstream during a stressful event; oxytocin hormone is released from the brain to counter the release of cortisol and epinephrine hormones. Oxytocin also plays a role in nurturing and calming emotions.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discuss two items from each museum and respond to the questions Research Paper

Discuss two items from each museum and respond to the questions - Research Paper Example So, it can be seen that this communication is a complex process, through the medium of the art work itself. Earlier, the term art was used to refer any sort of skill or mastery. But the Romantic spirit which transformed the scenario of art helped it to relate itself to any object, concrete or abstract, capable to stimulate thoughts and emotions. The power of Art to attract human minds is irrevocably proven and it is clear that the discussion of art pieces from different museums will shed much light to the foretold subject. The museums selected for the discussion are: National Portrait Gallery and Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, and the items selected are: 1. Fine arts- the portrait of Abraham Lincoln namely-‘The Penny Image of Abraham Lincoln’ (see appendix-1) by William Willard. 2. Natural history (Archaeology) – ‘Mummied Ibis’ (see appendix-2) i.e., mummified form of an animal excavated from Egypt. The painting-‘The Penny Image of Abraham Lincoln’, was painted by William Willard in 1864. The medium of the work is oil on canvas and the owner is the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. The object-‘Mummied Ibis’ is an animal mummy excavated from Abydos, an important site of Ancient Egyptian culture. The portrait is based on a photograph of Lincoln, captured by Anthony Berger at a famous studio, namely Mathew Brady’s studio, Washington D.C., in 1864. At the same time, the second object selected for discussion, i.e. ‘Mummied Ibis’ symbolize the cultural aspects of ancient Egypt. The process of mummifying or embalming was a complex process related to the belief of ancient Egyptians in life after death. Barry J. Kemp reflects that: â€Å"The nature of the ancient Egyptian state and its wealth of devices-myth, symbol and institution to manipulate minds and to direct the lives

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Assignment 2 - Essay Example Right from the time of birth up to maturity, people anticipate to have some sense of love and belonging. Relationships make people to feel in place. Relationships make people happy and appreciate their life worth living. However, it is the same relationships that cause stress for most people. Relationships are major and common causes of stress for many individuals, especially when the relationships turn sour. People frequently undergo relationship problems such as, but not limited to infidelity. Relationships between spouses, peers, friends, employees and any other form of social systems, are usually characterized by conflicts. Despite the fact that relationship problems are the most prevalent, many people are oblivious of the causes of the problems. It is this lack of comprehensive understanding of the causes and nature of conflicts in relationships that causes stress for many individuals. In most occasions, problems in relationships are associated with concealed conversations and c onduct patterns buried deep within individuals. Most often, people fail to recognize their roles in relationships. Further, many people are always perplexed about what they are supposed to do in order to establish and sustain blissful, triumphant and long-lasting relationships. As they mull over how to make their relationships perfect, most people end up stressed. However, in many incidents, break ups in relationships and lack of understanding are usually what result into stress for many individuals. Relatively few people can manage their stress levels after break-ups. Instead of focusing on positive ways of dealing with their predicaments, many people are often engulfed in sulking and crying over spilt milk, which worsen their situation all together. What stresses one person may not be a problem to the other. According to mental health experts, personality contributes hugely to the manner in which people handle their relationships and stress. According to mental health professional s, individuals with â€Å"Type A† personalities are usually impatient, determined, time-conscious and driven. These personalities if not controlled properly may lead to stress-related ill health. On the other hand, people with â€Å"Type B† traits tend to be relaxed, not overly time-conscious, determined. As such, people with â€Å"Type B† traits often perceive things adaptively. Unlike individuals with â€Å"Type A† traits, they can think constructively and figure out how they can resolve their situations. Generally, individuals with â€Å"Type B† personalities tend to be less vulnerable to stress compared to people with â€Å"Type A† traits (Pejuskovic et al 389). It is often noticed that women and men usually respond to stress differently. One of the reasons that have been attributed to this is hormonal influence (Rai 52). Three hormones are believed to play a significant role in how women and men react to stress. These include cortisol, epinephrine, and oxytocin. In the event of stress, cortisol and epinephrine hormones are released, which increases blood pressure and also increase blood sugar level of an individual. Cortisol also reduces the efficiency of an individual’s immune system (Rai 52). In women, cortisol and epinephrine hormones are released into the bloodstream during a stressful event; oxytocin hormone is released from the brain to counter the release of cortisol and epinephrine hormones. Oxytocin also plays a role in nurturing and calming emotions.

United Arab Emirates Essay Example for Free

United Arab Emirates Essay United Arab Emirates represent a federation of seven Emirates: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm-al-Quwain, Ras al-Khaimah, al-Fujairah. It was in the year 1971 the federal set up of these individual emirates was established which was the ninth year after oil was successfully exported from this Middle Eastern region. Until then the emirates remained tiny independent nations with no boundaries or basic necessities of newspapers, telephones, and even electricity (Tomkinson, 1975; Taryam, 1987; Codrai, 1990). Within a short span of time the export of oil has made the United Arab Emirates an extremely rich nation in that the country was ranking the wealthiest nation in the world at one point of time, on the basis of per capita income. The Gross National Product (GNP) of the nation at that point was US $ 28,000 – approximately close to US $ 100,000 considering the UAE nationals alone (Abdullah, 1985). The revenue from the oil exports accounted for almost 88 percent of the total income of the nation during the period 1975 – 1985 (Faris, 1996). With the help of ‘Oil’ UAE could break regional, and even international records in respect of the pace of urban development and the rate of economic growth. Despite the economic superiority the socio-economic scenario of the country poses a striking contradiction. It is a surprising fact that still 80 to 90 percent of the advance urban population coexists with some of the traditional systems of social interaction, gender-segregation, and tribalism. The socio-institutional format of the present day UAE is characterized by the mixed presence of tribalism, Islamism, urbanism, modernism, consumerism, and the welfare state which represent the vitally important components of the economy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

My Personal Culture

My Personal Culture Introduction The typical cave discovery tells us how people lived thousands of years ago. Likewise a familys personal history tells the story of the family but it also indirectly records society and how it affected them as individuals, as a family, and as a community. Many families take great care to safeguard their family stories and pass them down to future generations through recorded documents and oral history. This ensures that all future generations are aware of the struggles and hardships endured by their ancestors that shaped the early generations. Family history was most often recorded by those who had inherited their wealth or social status and others, who had inherited nothing, would often suppress their family history as a matter of shame. The Webb family boasts no family historian, genealogist, or biographer. Those that are aware of the facts have long passed and the few that remain can only reveal bits and pieces of fading memories. This paper is an attempt to piece together the mem ories, stories, and historical data of the time to tell the story of my family. Life in a company town With the construction of railroad lines in the first decades of the new century coal mining operations and coal towns began springing up almost overnight. To accommodate the influx of workers mine owners had to offer housing and other luxuries to the families migrating to the newly established communities (Buckley, 2004). The majority of Southwest Virginias mountain residents lived settled sparsely in hollows (â€Å"hollers†) between the hills, along creek beds, and on hillsides so many companies had to entice workers from outside the region to move their families into areas that appeared unlivable. This was easier for companies mining in the Appalachian fields since the area accounted for over 90% of the total amount of coal mined in the United States during the 1920s (Buckley, 2004). The early success of extracting ‘black diamonds would be short lived as the onset of such tragic events as World War I and the Great Depression subdued king coal. The early days of coal town living was never discussed amongst my family. My grandfather was born just one year after the fighting in World War I ceased and he lived to survive many other tragic events in American history but never recounted any tales outside living in a coal camp with his family. It is unclear where he was originally from as he never talked about his days growing up or his parents except to tell his fathers name in brief stories of glory days gone by. An interview with his youngest daughter did not shed any light on his mysterious past. She recalls growing up in the same small town in Southwest Virginia but she struggled to recount her experiences growing up in a mining community. My mother was not able to provide much more detail and only confirmed the information I had already attained. Historical fact paints a good picture of their experience and may help explain why family history was not more of a priority. It is unclear whether the family purposefully chose to conceal this time in history or not. The premise may have been to protect future generations from the dark days of struggle the family endured. Only those who have left this life know that answer and those of us who remain must speculate. The coal mining towns were typical of industrial towns in other parts of North America and Western Europe. The houses were usually identical, functional and of simple design. The mining towns were representative of frontier communities. Initially there were few amenities but as the towns grew conditions improved. Schools were opened in the mining towns soon after families arrived in the district. Hotels, a post office, retail businesses, banks, newspapers and churches and sometimes and opera house or theatre were features of all the major communities. Lodges were important in many communities and the members performed a variety of social and cultural functions in the towns (Buckley, 2004). The company store was not just the local grocery store. It was often the center of life in a coal mining town. Every town had one, and everyone shopped there. The company store was usually located near the railroad tracks in the town. Everything that a family might want or need could be bought in t he store, from food to clothing, from hardware supplies and the miners tools to furniture and appliances. My grandfather often compared the company store to our modern day mall and would describe his days of shopping after having received just over two dollars for a whole days work. I never remember hearing my family tell stories about hardship or struggle. In fact, I do not recall ever hearing my grandparents or parents talk about tragedy and triumph, good conquering evil, or good vs. bad. It is as though my entire ancestry had taken a vow of silence. There were no discussions around the dinner table, no meaningful conversations about future goals, and no retelling of early family experiences. Even my earliest memories capture only a glimpse of the events that shaped our familys values. Since the days of my great-grandfather all that seems to have been known was working and living in a coal town. This was considered such laborious work but it seemed to appeal to my ancestors. The code of silence not only encompassed family values but permeated every aspect of family life and living. There were never discussions about diversity of religion, gender, race, or nationality. Even the major events of the time did appear to strike the heart of our family. It is as thou gh they had shut off the world around them and relished in one anothers presence. My father was a stern man. He did not speak much but he had an aura about him that did not require him to. Working around the home was expected and long hours were customary. Dinner had to be prepared and ready to serve as he arrived home from work and the menu always consisted of the family staple: pinto beans and corn bread. Although never spoken we understood that we did not question our father. His rule was not a democracy and at times he ruled with an iron fist. As boys we were expected to do the ‘manly work around the home and our sister was expected to take care of the house and learn to cook. I believe education intimidated my father. He dropped out of school at 13 years of age and never returned. He struggled to read and write and may have compensated by entrenching himself in his trade. There was only one high school graduate in three generations of males in our family. Young men were expected to drop out of school, if necessary, and go to work in a coal mines. In the last 100 years there have only been two college graduates in our family and those experiences were not celebrated. Education was never criticized openly but neither was it lauded in the eyes and ears of the children. I never remember relationships being very important in our family. Affection was not shown openly and never discussed in the presence of children. Those who were married seemed to love one another but did not use words to express their fondness. It was simply understood that their devotion coexisted. This lack of communication carried over in all the relationships within the family. Sitting down to have a meaningful conversation was not something anyone considered doing. Somehow, as children, each of us knew that significant communication was not valued by our parents or grandparents. Parents simply had a way of looking at a child that communicated it was time to stop and toe the line or suffer the consequences. The consequences were most often administered by the males in the family and each of them had a difficult time maintaining control and would often discipline in ways that would be considered child abuse today. For example, I can remember my grandfather laughing while he was t elling the story of throwing large rocks at his boys after they had gotten into trouble. He was laughing as he remembered hitting them with the rocks. Spillover from company town experience My grandfather survived the Great Depression but I do not believe he was unscathed. He was a teenager at the time and forced to give up his childhood and enter the workforce at a very early age. He would tell stories of being 13 and working in coal using picks and donkeys pulling small cars in water up to his chest just to make enough money to help feed his family for the day. For as long as I can remember my grandfather was an alcoholic. He drank from the time he woke up in the morning until he fell asleep at night. I believe he wanted to avoid the scars from so many years of hard living. Unfortunately, each generation that followed mirrored his reluctance to talk about the issues that made life difficult. He had become complacent living in a coal town and his children had become content because it was the only life they knew. In a sense he served the family as he had been served by the company. Each of his children lived in homes that were similar and each of his boys worked long h ours in the coal mines starting around the age of 13. The girls stayed at home to help keep the house, tend the garden, and prepare meals for their brothers. I never remember our family talking about religion but it must have been important to our community because there are six churches in an area that is only 0.2 square miles (Bureu, 2000). Each hollow has its own small church with many of them still functioning today despite having a population of just over a thousand residents. Religion was a taboo subject although no one in the family ever forbade it. There was a sense that no subject was worthy of discussing openly as a family. This would fall in line with the ideology of our earliest remembered ancestor Andrew Webb. Church and the idea of God were not promoted nor denied amongst our family. The attitude resembled the same attitude of the character John Walton from the television series The Waltons. The men in our family were very good-natured and wise, but also fearless, ready to stand up to a challenge and tell it like it is. This personality sometimes causes him to get very brash, even towards his children and wife on occasion, a nd he can also get into the mindset of a workaholic when heavily stressed. They were somewhat non-religious although there were brief moments when God was acknowledged as Creator. The code of silence established by my ancestors runs deep in our family. The current generation does not communicate any differently than those before us. Most often the family can be found together in the midst of tragedy and then the visits are short lived. Family reunions have never been a priority. Although most of the family lives in the county communication is almost nonexistent. Even while gathering information for this paper I found it difficult to talk to relatives about our family history. We had never discussed such things and the idea of having to ask for information about our ancestral past was daunting. There are times I am very aware that my attitude and communication style, or lack thereof, closely mimics that of my ancestors. It is a daily struggle to do things differently and one that sees moments of victory and defeat. I work each day to better communicate with my children. It seemed much easier when they were younger children. As they get older it becomes more of a task for me to communicate because I do not have any experiences to compare it to. My father never talked to me and never allowed his children to see him cry. My children have seen their father show a range of emotions. This has not always been an easy task and one that takes thought on my part. I am careful to explain to them that emotions are a natural and healthy way to promote self care and are every part of being a man. I also explain that there are times when emotions are not appropriate and should be subdued until a more appropriate time to show them. This is something I can never remember my grandfather or father ever discussing. Their lack of doing has made raising children more difficult and stressful. The major difference in our home as compared to what I am aware of in my parents home and grandparents home is a willingness b y my wife and I to talk to our children when they have questions. When they are not asking questions we are. This keeps the lines of communication open and hopefully will instill in them a greater sense of family and increase their world view. Becoming a sensitive multicultural counselor At the age of 18 I enlisted in the United States Army. There was a passion in my heart to move beyond what I knew growing up. I knew there was more to the world around me than coal. My only experience with other cultures came from brief encounters in school and television. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to enlist and move outside the box that had been built by my great grandfather and propagated by those who would follow in his footsteps. A whole new world was opening up before me and my life has been enriched by the adventure. As I look back I am dumbfounded. My parents had never spoken of other cultures or about how we should interact with people of a different race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. I often hear people use the term culture shock when being thrust into a different culture for the first time. This is something I did not experience after enlisting. I had never been around people of color, Mexicans, Latinos, or Puerto Ricans but I did not experience uneasines s in my new environment. There was something deep inside of me that made this new experience right. I cannot explain where it came from or who had instilled this inner strength in me but I believe it was this inner strength that made this major life transition successful. This is a strength I take with me into the counseling field. Through counseling I am able to once again experience a journey into a variety of different cultures. I believe I am also able to listen to others as they tell their story. I spent a lifetime listening but believe that through my experiences in the military my listening skills have been honed so that I can truly hear what people are saying. My experiences strengthen my belief that I am not judgmental towards those I counsel. I avoid reading client histories before a meeting because I do not want to make rash judgments about who the individual is. I have found that the individual is nothing I expected and only vaguely resembles what I read in documentation after our initial meeting . I do believe that another strength I bring to the counseling field is my willingness to learn from others. I do not see myself as being master of anything but a student of all things. One skill I took from my ancestors that increases my success in the counseling field is my work ethic. My work ethic may very well be the greatest tool passed down by my family but it also lends itself to great struggles and stress. I sometimes allow myself to be taken advantage of by others in order to complete a task. My basic belief is that we should prefer our brother in matters of life and success. This is not necessarily our biological brother but more a reference to the people around us. There are times when I am silent and should not be. The silence creates a wall between the client as well as co-workers. Accompanying the silence is an inner critical voice that is often harsh and unrelenting. This causes me to question interventions I use with clients and to doubt the skills I have gained through experience and education. I am also not readily accepting of my own heritage. I feel like I fight daily to prove to myself and the world that I am not following in the footsteps of those before me because I do not like where they have been. This could create a problem when working wit h families that have children rebelling against family norms. I might see myself being more sympathetic to a young person trying to come out from under a bleak ancestral tree. I might also be more tempted to be satisfied with surface problems and avoid digging deeper with clients and their families to get to the underlying issues. This would be placing a Band-Aid on their mental health problems and not facilitating solutions. Having brothers that followed in the footsteps of our ancestors made choosing a different path more difficult. To my knowledge I am the only male in our family to ever graduate from high school. Everyone else dropped out to work in the coal industry by the time they entered their freshman year and most before leaving elementary. This would make me the first male to enroll in college and the first member of our family, male or female, to graduate with a Masters Degree and the only member of our family working in a profession that requires licensure. Breaking away from the generational pattern has not been an easy task. I chose to stay in the same community that I grew up in and our family name is not prominent or known for contributions to better the community. An advantage is that I am very familiar with the culture of our area but I have also been privileged to experience a variety of different cultures and learn from them. I owe this success to my decision to enlist in the military just after finishing high school. This did not allow me time to settle for what was acceptable in the community and it challenged me to move outside my comfort zone. The reward has been an expanded world view. I have experienced other cultures that many in my community will only know from books and movies. As I write this paper I am reminded of the character Peter Petrelli from the television series Heroes. He is a dreamer that always believed he was meant for something more than the existence he knew. I too have believed that I was destined for something more than coal towns and mining. Innately, whether we voice it or not, as human beings we have a desire to make our lives matter, to count for something. And yet, while the desire is there, it can be very challenging to determine how to make a difference and feel content with our offering to humanity. Recruiting providers to the area is difficult and time consuming. Those who do decide to work in the area often choose to leave after only a short stay or they simply do not understand the culture. I am able to incorporate my experiences in other cultures with a complete understanding of the indigenous culture. With an increased knowledge ba se I am able to work at passing on to my children an increased understanding of other cultures while respecting the culture of their ancestors. This ensures a lasting legacy for future generations of our family that choose to live in this community. Conclusion At the age of 40 I am much like my father. I am a stern man and would prefer to be a man of few words. My wife of 17 years, my opposite, compliments me very well and is the main reason I do not rule my house with an iron fist like my father. We fit together like gears in a wheel. She does however prefer the more traditional roles for women and would much rather stay home to cook, clean, and take care of our two children than work. Next to my wife my two sons have had the greatest impact on my life. Seeing them born really reinforced my belief that we have to be responsible, hard working caretakers of a very precious treasure. I wanted them to see that education was important so I returned to college when I was well into my 30s. My wife and I want them to know that family is important so we do a lot of things together as a family. We talk to one another and to each of them daily because we want them to value communication within the family. Mather, Black, and Sanders (2007) wanted to dispel the mistaken belief that people from the Appalachian region had boxed themselves off from mainstream American culture. They point to stereotypes and fictional Appalachian tales â€Å"invented by local color writers† (Black, as the source of confusion about the people living in the area. We work each day to ensure our children understand their culture but we also encourage them to be open to different cultural experiences so their lives will be richly rewarding. BIBLIOGRAPHY Black, D., Mather, M., Sanders, S. (2007). Standards of Living in Appalachia, 1960 to 2000. Washington: Populaton Reference Bureu. Buckley, G. (2004). History of Coal Mining in Appalachia. Encyclopedia of Energy , 1, 1-12. Bureu, U. C. (2000). U.S. Census Bureu American FactFinder. Retrieved July 30, 2009, from American FactFinder: